[ENG] HiQs Flash №11 | Weekly HIVE News

Back from our winter break, we now continue with HiQs Flash №11.
Do you have resolutions for the year 2024? The HiQ team has certainly considered some. 2023 left us a bit burnt out and we need to reorganise ourselves for this year. Many of us (Editor's note: It could also be all of us. LOOL) are experiencing changes in their RL. But we think that's a good thing, just like turning to a new page in a Hivestyle magazine.
Let's start the year with a new chapter of the CraftInk lore. With renewed vigour, the start is made for a change in the CraftInk lore as well. Our new team member @incublus will dive into games. He starts with a hands-on to WOO. @incublus (Editor's note: Not to be confused with @incublus LOOL) has taken a close look at the new Leo-Ads-Contract for you.
As in the last year, we of course did not forget Hivestyle for Hivians, the giveaway (Editor's note: We hope one of your New Year's resolutions is to read the competition conditions. LOOL), the discount sale and the X of the Week.
We wish you an exciting start to the new year with ... ★


CraftInk Championship Tournament Chapter 5

Inkubus has made it into the base of the Inkubusters. What will happen now? Is this the end of the Inkubusters? Read on in the next chapter of the story "CraftInk Championship Tournament".
As the chaos subsided and the black fog caused by Inkubus had disappeared, all that could be heard in the Inkubuster base was panicked screaming and sirens. One of the Inkubusters, dutiful as he probably was, had triggered the alarm. A large part of the Inkubusters had already left the base and now only Solarwarrior, Queker, smooms, and Mary were standing against Inkubus in the main room. "Ah, pleaseeeee!" Mary said annoyed. Queker stepped forward and addressed Inkubus directly: “You come in here and don’t shut up.” To which Inkubus replied: "I will do more than just not shut up. I have come to destroy you. The bloodline of these cursed priests will now find an end here with you and I will gain my full power."
"What are you still doing here? Get your legs moving and get lost, like the others!" smooms said to Solarwarrior. "You’re not ready for what’s happening here now." Queker, smooms, and Mary were now surrounded by a yellow glow, enveloping the entire room in light. The glow emanating from the three seemed to be pure energy, as Solarwarrior’s hair stood on end from the static electricity filling the room. He ran out the door. Inkubus didn’t give him a second glance. He raised an arm, in the palm of which a black energy ball formed. "Time to erase you from history!" Inkubus said in a deep and threatening voice.
Queker, smooms, and Mary extended their left hand. They formed a shield of light in front of them. Inkubus hurled the black energy ball at the three, but it bounced off the light shield and only stirred up dust. You couldn’t see your hand in front of your eyes. When the dust had settled, the three had disappeared and Inkubus was alone in the Inkubuster base, where the monitors were still running in the background. Inkubus looked around. He stood all alone in the huge hall. The monitors went black. A number appeared on each monitor.
Bye Bye LOOL
Throughout Inkopolis, a tremor could be felt, followed by an underground rumble. Every speaker in the city played a jingle: ‘Ding ding ding ding…’ and an announcement was made.
After the announcement, everything continued as before, as if nothing had happened.
What happens next? What are IBSP1 class players? Did Inkubus disintegrate Queker, smooms and Mary with his attack or were the three able to escape? What's in the HiQ Tower? All this and much more in the next chapter of "CraftInk Championship Tournament"!


Hands on WOO

There are many great games built on Hive and today we’re here with one of them: Wrestling Organization Online!
Image taken from @wrestorgonline
Hello everyone, a new member of HiQ is with you today. We will introduce Wrestling Organization Online, also known as WOO. You all must have watched WWE matches when you were kids or teenagers (Note from @smooms: Back in my days it was called WWF. I am old. LOOL) and at that time you wished there was a game where you could make these wrestlers fight the way you wanted. (Note from @smooms: There was - WWF RAW for SNES. It was a blast. LOOL) WOO fulfills your dream and lets you go on an adventure with dozens of unique NFTs and wrestlers. All you need to start the game is to go to play.wrestlingorganizationonline.com, unlock a few packs, and with that, you have wrestlers and a manager.
Then you can start the game by pressing the “Play Match” button on the main page. Once you’ve matched up with your opponents, all you have to do is pick the appropriate wrestlers and send them out to wrestle, and then it’s all simulation. One thing you have to pay attention to is to make sure you have enough variety of wrestlers because if you don’t have enough wrestlers for the set budget, the organization is canceled. What we mean by wrestlers on a set budget is that when you start the game, you choose some wrestlers as undercard and main, and all of them have a cost. As long as you stay below this cost, there is no problem, but if you go above it, the game will not start. Wrestling is played as a simulation, and the values of your cards determine whether you win or lose. You get 1 point for your undercard wrestlers and 2 points for your main wrestlers, so it makes sense to choose your strongest wrestler as your main.
WOO has been in development on Hive for over two years and is progressing quite successfully. If you like card games and enjoy the concept, we highly recommend you try it. You can learn much more by visiting @wrestorgonline. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts about the game in the comments. If you enjoy it a lot, we might write a second article about this game because there is still a lot to tell in the WOO world. ★

Leo ads contract

January 1st was not only the start of 2024 it was also the day that the long awaited LeoAds contract went live.
The 1st and 2nd of January are public holidays in Scotland so we could not send our Leo reporter @tengolotodo into the lion's den until 3rd January!
As you can imagine the LeoAds contract concerns Leo Finance or Inleo as it is now called. There is always a clue in the title after all. LOOL
Leo Finance Community founder @khaleelkazi details in his LeoAds and Evergreen rewards post that the LeoAds contract is finally live. The fancy banner is also clickable and take you direct to the post.
It's been a long time coming and this has been super hard to build.
Isn't that what they all say! LOOL
If you have been using the Inleo UI then you will have noticed that there are Ads on the pages you view. As long as there are ads available of course. LOOL
The LeoAds contract pool is buying LEO on a weekly basis, but the contract is randomized, so nobody knows when it's going to be buy LEO exactly.
Hand in hand with the launch of LeoAds contract going live, the Evergreen contract also went live at the same time.
What is so special about this Evergreen contract?
It means that if you publish a post via the frontend of inleo.io, you will get rewards after the normal 7 day payout, if your post gets views. This is claimed to be a HIVE first!
Look it was all happening on the first. LOOL
The Evergreen contract reads all the posts that have been published from INLEO and then tracks the monthly views that every post receives.
The Evergreen pool then pays authors based on the article views they got that month across all of their eligible posts.
Of course fora post to become eligible then it must have been pubished through inleo.io. This is important to remember!
Will this make you switch frontend to publish using Inleo.io or are you using it already? ★
2, 0, 2, 4 … The countdown for the first round of Hivestyle for Hivians has ended.

Hive Auth for Mobile

@arcange has introduced the new Hive-Auth-Mobile-App for Android in a post. As he reported to us at HiveFest, he is an absolute security fanatic, and that is also the core of the app - Safety First. You cannot copy keys, move assets, view histories, or even laugh at your wallet value (Editor's note: Because shoulder surfing, for example, on a train or bus, poses a security risk.). All you can do with the app is store your keys there and log in to Hive dApps that support Hive Auth. Hive Auth is even open source, making it even more secure. And for all iOS fans, we have good news: The iOS app is already in development.


It’s that time again - a new game is about to arrive on Web2 - NISM. Wait, Web2? That’s not quite right. NISM will also have Web3 elements and is intended to make Web2 users more familiar with Web3 technology.
The idea for NISM comes from @enginewitty. The game will be an AR mobile game that will have many elements from Pokémon and Pokémon Go. (Editor's note: @enginewitty. and @enginewitty. should already be on fire. LOOL) The in-game token DigiBits is supposed to be pegged to HBD and thus onboard new users. In addition, a hive-exclusive presale is planned for next week. (Editor's note: But you didn’t hear that from us. LOOL.) If you want to know more, check out the white paper from @nism.

Crypto Shots x BTC

You can now win BTC in Crypto Shots tournaments. The Hivestyle feature of this is that you need to have a Hive account for it, which also applies to Wax players. This could attract some new users to our chain. You can find more information in the announcement post by @cryptoshots.nft.

WOO Crates

You can finally open your WOO Crates. It was supposed to happen today, but due to technical issues, the feature has been postponed (Editor's note: Good thing we postponed this post too. LOOL). You will probably be able to enjoy your crate contents soon.★

A new year and a new competition. This time, you even broke a record.
We know that you had to wait a long time for the resolution of the HiQs Flash 10 competition. Due to the holidays, we also took a small Christmas break, but we did not forget the competition. Today we announce the winners.
As last time, many participants submitted a guess and are excited to find out if they won. Here is an overview of the participants and their guesses.
We opened a pack as usual and these cards came to light.
After opening the pack, we were able to locate exactly one Fillink card.
This time, nobody guessed incorrectly like last time. Instead, we set a new record with 8 participants correctly answering the question about the myth. Since we are giving away 5 packs, we had to conduct an additional raffle to determine the winners of the 5 packs using a random number generator.
We wrote the names of all 8 participants who guessed correctly on the wheel and spun it 5 times. The following Hivestylers were selected and will receive 1 CraftInk Boosterpack each.
The winners in the order they were drawn are:
We will be opening another CraftInk Boosterpack internally and you can guess how many Fillink cards are in this pack. Write your guess in the comments and mention 2 other Hivestylers. In the next HiQs Flash, which will be released next week, we will announce the winners and post a proof screenshot of our pack opening. You have until the end of the countdown to participate in this competition. We will be giving away 5 packs among all participants. ★
Important note: Starting from the next quiz, we must insist that you read exactly what we have written. Unfortunately, anyone who forgets to tag or guesses the wrong card will no longer be considered.
This week you can once again take part in the popular HIQS Commentary Discount Sale 1/4 and buy up to 540 HIQS. This time there is a 40% discount on the current price (0.29 SWAP.HIVE). Just write
!HIQS HereYourWishAmount
in the comments. For 0.174 SWAP.HIVE per HIQS you can get the coveted item this week. You have 48 hours from when this post is published to do so. After the deadline, a post will be published on @hiq.shares that will process your orders.
If more than 540 HIQS are requested, the HiQ Smart Bot will distribute the HIQS fairly according to smooms' rule. In cases of abuse, we reserve the right to exclude users from purchasing. (Editor's note: Which still has NEVER happened.) ★
If you want to be informed about our latest issue, @CraftInk, the Commentary Discount Sale, or the other stuff then you should definitely subscribe to us and even get the coveted HiQ SUB Badge. Write quickly
into the comments, follow us on PeakD or any other dApp you trust: For the german issue follow @hiq and for the english version @hiq ★★

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Anyone who is stylish and smart has subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-eu @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-plays @adedayoolumide-vibes @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-aranea @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-forex @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-ti @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-lemark @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-glechner @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-stoffel @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-loto @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-leo @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-iglo @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-miron @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-cyntaia @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-be @adedayoolumide-me @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-beatcz @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-fr @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-bee @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-tokens @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-hope @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide-and-family @adedayoolumide @adedayoolumide
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