English, Deutsch, Photography, Fotografie, Lets exchange our knoledge, Lass uns unser Wissen teilen.
Watch on 3SpeakCheck out this short!This is the exact moment I was able to "surf" I n the slackline. Right after I almost had my worst fall, I got up again and succeeded in surfing! What a feeling!I love sport, the mental game and the phisical challenge! This is the a good example of just get up and try again immediately!
Check out the Clips, dive in and see the progress!It is a lot of fun to publish here, I am a Hive only content producer haha.I keep this post short, so just do ve in and explore some of my videos!If you liked it I bee happy about a upvote amd of course follow me so you won't miss any future epicness!
Epic Light at the Garden!?! 馃槂I just had to make some shots as the light was perfect!I just had to make some shots as the light was perfect!Just check the epic shillouette of my girlfriend!I did some shots of the flowers as well!
Yeah, First time @ecency video upload!?!Exidet this works!And welcome to a crazy clip for m the mountains! One of the many bridges we crossed in april.Let me know how you like those short form, visual clips, or do you prefere later nher clips like this one
Watch on 3SpeakI love this clip, and did some play around with the ai.Soon the season is good for this activities again, ethen dough I go out with the neoprene as well, but with warm temperatures it is much nicer haha Let me know if you love ked the Ai effect, and if you want to see more of this shorts!
Watch on 3SpeakEpic jurney? Oops, this post just piblished itself haha, thanks for the @threespeak update on the mobile app videos publish nownafter upload, and this suprised me haha I wanted to upload and publish later. That is the reason I did not write text with it!