If I know of any cafeteria, it is the cafeteria of the Unidad Médico Docente Las Garzas, called Artes y guarapos. For those who do not speak Spanish and do not belong to the Latin American culture, it may be necessary to explain this name: the word arts in plural has two immediate meanings. One refers to the arts as the manifestations of aesthetic sensibility, such as painting, music, or theater. The other refers to the occult arts,that is, to sorcery, which usually uses concoctions.
In the Venezuelan context,the word guarapo, besides referring to a concoction that can perfectly be an infusion of plants that is taken for taste or for medicinal purposes, can also be a magical concoction. But, very important for the purpose of this post, in Venezuela a guarapo is also a clear brewed coffee which is also known as guayoyo, and it is one of the most consumed coffees in Venezuela apart from the negrito cerrero.
The name of this coffee shop plays with a certain humor not only in its position with the scientific area, since it is inside a medical unit, but also plays a little with a term that may eventually refer to alternative medicine or plants as adjuvants in health.
Herbal healers prescribe guarapos, but it is also known that the consumption of infusions and juices regularly is very advisable to maintain a healthy balance.