Wrestling-Themed TCG: Full Rules BreakdownDeck Construction**Deck Size**:Deck SizeEach deck consists of **60 cards**.Each deck consists of 60 cards**Wrestler Cards**:Wrestler CardsEach deck can only include **1 wrestler card** (up to 4 copies of that wrestler).Each deck can only include 1 wrestler card (up to 4 copies of that wrestler).Wrestlers are placed in play at the start of the game.Wrestlers are placed in play at the start of the game.**Energy Cards**:Energy CardsDecks contain **Energy cards** which fuel moves. Energy types include **Power**, **Technical**, **Hardcore**, **Aerial**, **Brawling**, and **Normal**.Decks contain Energy cards which fuel moves. Energy types include PowerTechnicalHardcoreAerialBrawling, and Normal**Move Cards**:Move Cards**Move cards** are required to perform attacks. Players can have **basic moves** and **advanced moves**, with advanced moves being limited to 1 per deck.Move cards are required to perform attacks. Players can have basic moves and advanced moves, with advanced moves being limited to 1 per deck.**Advanced Cards**:Advanced Cards**Advanced cards** include **signature moves**, **match types**, **venues**, and certain **event** and **energy cards**.Advanced cards include signature movesmatch typesvenues, and certain event and energy cards