I am a cultivator of TOP SHELF Cannabis.. And a strain slut! Want to blaze the best in the world?
Potland Oregon. USA
So this morning I made sure to wake up and drive over to the tow yard. Luckily I was able to walk in on Boss Man and talk to him. He did promise me once again that he would make a decision by the end of the day. Of course he also said that last Thursday and Friday.
Well I'm still waiting on the old, new boss to make up his mind when I'm actually going to get a chance to start working for him again. So I started this entire process on 10th so that means that I've been waiting for quite a bit. And I guess that also means that I'm now going to have to start making my point.
Oops. Well I went to bakery hot springs and it was an excellent trip other than the fact that it rained a lot a lot a lot. So I spent a lot of time napping until last night. And then me and puppy dog hiked up to the hot springs and oh boy that probably wasn't the smartest idea after playing with the fire and really getting stiff.
Definitely an excellent view of Mount Hood and the Columbia River. The Portland international airport is an excellent place to be next to. Not only do you get to see the Jets go by but you also get to see the military F15ex fighters.
Things have been really cold and still working on trying to get some work. I'm definitely looking around and trying to do what I can do. Puppy dog has been great and we are definitely working on trying to get housing. Housing is at the very top of our needs right now.
The past 4 days have been freezing so it's definitely been under 32 and a couple of days I'm going to say it was under 26....Add that to the recent storms and things been pretty rough.Every time that you get clear weather around here it really is bad at night. Yep winter temperatures when we have clear skies plummets all the way down to the freezing level. And oh boy does that suck.