German guy that likes crypto, hiking, cooking and kettlebell workouts.
Hello Guys! I got a car since 2 months and today I thought it would be nice to hike the Ölberg in the Siebengebirge again. So I got a little bit of activity at work and met my hiking friends after work. The weather was beautiful with 19 degree. 8,8 km in 2h and 11 min.
Hello guys!A part of the activity is from the guarding tour at my night shift. The other part is from a walk through the zoo in Cologne. We invited my son and his girlfriend to a little brunch at home and after that we drove to the zoo which has a 165 years anniversary. We got the tickets already on the internet for the china lights event. The lighten animals and flowers were beautiful at night.
Hey guys! I used the bike of my wife to get to work and back home. There was also the usual guarding tour at work and daily activities. This was my meal last knight after work. Salmon with fennel. The diet is running quite well and I don't miss any sweets or alcohol which is a good sign.
Hey guys! I got a little 50 min workout today, including jumping and a nice all body kettlebell combo.I burned around 600 kcal. 💪I'm early in bed right now because I have to work tomorrow. But Sundays give some extra money.
Hello guys! Yesterday, I walked to work because there was a little bit of ice on the street and it was not safe to use the motor roller. I passed a field with snow. I had to walk uphill for 3.39 km which took 56 minutes.
Hey guys 👋 Beside the guarding tour at work I had a little walk in the park nearby a castle. It was pretty cold but nice. Overall I got over 10k activity points. Still on a diet a cooked a delicious lentil soup with some veggies, potatoes and sausages.