Hello Everyone,
How's your week been? We've had brilliant sunshine here all week - what a difference that makes from grey skies - and a promise of 19 degrees Celsius today!
Eleven Savers took part in HPUD and have been sponsored an SBI. This was one of our best months - thanks everyone for taking part.
Have you seen these posts?
Three more interesting posts this week - two help to make sense of the up/down/down that's going on with the HIVE price, and one is about a new initiative where you can earn Satoshis! Yay!
Let me have your reactions in the comments! Have you seen any interesting posts it would be good to share - add them in the comments.
Interesting Posts
Read about the KE ratio on
@azircon's account.
Read about SBI - a great resource for Savers
SBI website Sooner or later I will get round to making a separate directory for interesting posts, but not this week! 🤑
1. 365 Day Savings Challenge
It's Week 10 on our savings plan (check the weekly savings chart at the bottom of the
Launch post) and we've added 5.41 HIVE to
@susie-saver's savings wallet giving us 24.15 HIVE - yay!
We have two Wheel of Names winners for comments this week: @palomap3 and @palomap3 - yay! 2. Information and Resources
The quickest way to get any queries about payments resolved is to post a message in the #saturdaysavers channel of the SPinvest discord:
https://discord.gg/RQZubGeeTH and tag
@SSUK.Saturday Savers Club Discord Chat
3. Savers Chart 2025
Please check that your savings goals are correct and let me know in the comments if I've missed you 😍.
Remember for success - Start Small, Start Today
It can be any day, and it can be any day when you've had a break and want to start again.
- the best way to build wealth is to save small amounts regularly.
If you know anyone else who is interested in saving, please do tell them about the Saturday Savers Club, we love meeting people, sharing ideas and supporting each other. You'll find all the FAQs in
this post and all the information about the first year's progress in
this post. Write a post to tell your friends and followers about us and drop a link in the comments below!

@eddie-earner content contributed by @eddie and @eddie
Today's post by @eddie writing as @eddie-saver.
Many thanks to @eddie for the banner design 🙂 EDSI, @eddie-earner's income token, EDSD, EDSMMs and EDSMs are part of the SPInvest family including SPI (@spinvest), and XV (@spinvest). SPinvest Family Motto: Get Rich Slowly.