
mamá que trabaja, productora de contenidos, amante de la creatividad en todo nivel


Joined in 02, 2022
· a day ago

My grandparents passed away before I was born, so I can only say what little my parents and aunts have told me about them, that's why I dedicate this post to my memories with my grandmothers, who even became great-grandmothers, not to one, but to many of the children of their grandchildren.Luisa María and María Heriberta were the names of my grandmothers. Luisa, my mother's mother, and Heriberta, my father's mother. I owe my name to them, as being the first girl on the maternal side, my mom wanted to honor her mother, without leaving aside her mother-in-law (mostly to avoid problems, haha).So Márluy is half María and half Luisa, a Solomon-like solution for her, but it has somehow been a thorn in my side, as people don't know how to pronounce it at first.My memories of my grandmother Luisa are the most beautiful. We used to go on vacation to the house where she lived with one of my aunts, and her joy couldn't be greater: having all her grandchildren together for a couple of months each year.She chewed chimó, a paste made with tobacco, since she was 6 years old as she used to say, that her father gave her back then, to relieve toothaches. Later on, even without teeth, she acquired a taste for it. That was her only vice, and in fact, when she passed away, they put her "chew" in the pocket of her dress, so she would never be without it, although in life they argued with her to stop chewing.She boasted of never having worn pants, as her father raised her as a lady, and ladies only wore dresses, so when she was older, my mom who is a seamstress, always sewed her a couple of dresses and the occasional housecoat so she would be comfortable at home.She never went out without putting on earrings and a necklace, in addition to painting such thin lips, that in many cases, the lipstick ended up more outside than where it should be. She was always impeccable when going out, even if it was just to run an errand.She loved sewing blankets with fabric scraps, although she didn't know dec

· 1 days ago

The name of my eldest son has always been a topic of conversation whenever people hear it in a religious setting. Mostly because among religious names, it is not common in my country. My baby was an Abraham among many Jesuses and Moses' at the time he was born.It had been a year since my father's passing, and amidst the grief of mourning and the exhaustion from everything that those first months of motherhood entail, I felt that something was amiss at home. My baby would sometimes cry for no apparent reason, or wake up startled, keeping me on alert as well.I thought maybe my father's spirit was still lingering at home, or that some entity from the beyond was coming to disturb him! And with so many stories you hear about it, we decided not to wait too long to have his baptism done.Being Catholics, we chose an old church located near our house, with a simply beautiful interior. We went with the requirements and set the day for the ceremony, a day in May 2008, when he was 3 months old.The unique thing about this baptism was that there were few children who received the sacrament that day, and they were of different ages, with a couple of older children and two babies.My son, Abraham Gabriel, was always called first, and the priest even made mention of the importance of the name choice, as it also greatly defines the personality of the one who bears it.One commonality we all agreed on that day was the great number of godparents for each child. In my case, my son had two godmothers and seven godfathers! Although only two are officially recognized by the church in his baptismal record.Choosing those who we would entrust with the responsibility of educating our children in values is very important, as being a godparent also implies a role in their upbringing as citizens, even though it may not always hap

· 2 days ago

In matters of love, they say it comes when one is not looking for it, and in my case it has been true, even when it comes to Hive.It's been two and a half years since I entered the ecosystem by pure chance, as a childhood friend who followed me on my IG account saw that I was consistent with my posts on that platform, where I not only posted photos but also put effort into the texts.At that time, I felt depressed and very bad about my situation as a migrant, working in a place I never imagined I would, and feeling like my entire career in social communication was just a dream. Life had completely changed me, and I felt like an empty shell.When I started on Hive, a world that I had closed off by day-to-day life opened up, it was like returning to my professional life in terms of using my creativity and not my physical strength to achieve compensation.But it wasn't just that, starting interacting with other people who have similar interests to mine began to fill the voids left by the friends I left in my home country. I had people to talk to!I started with stumbles, as I lost a first account a few weeks after creating it, it was terrible for me because I felt that this "love" was elusive to me, but @rlathulerie guided me with the patience that others didn't have, who only criticized me for a mistake, a product of exhaustion and a quite complicated personal situation.So I started over, as you must when you fall, acknowledging the mistake made and moving forward without looking sideways. Step by step, this love for Hive not only grew but also awakened in me some new passions like making videos and creating characters that only lived in my imagination, and with whom I sometimes entertained my children at home.Being part of the content creation challenge proposed by @lunaticanto, two years ago, gave it an extra level because we had to post daily, something that at the time I found complex, but that now has become part of my daily routine. It's a way to organize my time and my ideas, and it has made me much more product

· 3 days ago

Hello everyone around here! It's my first post in this community, and not because I haven't wanted to participate, but I've long felt like my daily routines are so monotonous to highlight, although many say the opposite, that I do too much in such a short time.However, yesterday was a special day in the midst of the daily chaos. I started off quite sluggish, taking advantage of my children being on winter break, allowing myself to wake up a bit later, only yesterday it was not just a bit. I ended up getting out of bed at 8 am, which I hadn't done in years!!I had the visit from the internet company technician pending to install the wifi at home since I was using a shared signal with a neighbor, but every month the rate would increase, and although everything is on the rise in Argentina, it's not that much. So, checking the offers from different companies that provide the service, I found one similar to what I was using, for a much lower price, and decided to hire it.Now I have the modem at home, which saves me the trouble of messaging her every time the signal dropped, which, although not frequent, usually happened when she was out.The installation was quick, so I had time to do my Monday morning routines, which is the only free time from my formal job. So, like a little robot, I cleaned, did the dishes, cooked, organized the laundry I took off the clothesline, and other typical chores of a housewife.I had a pending task from some months ago, if not years, which was to buy paint to give a new life to the walls of the apartment I rent. It was something I should have done a while ago, but I always prioritized other things and in the end, the budget didn't allow for it.This time was the same, but unlike previous times, I decided to take a risk and take out a loan through mercado pago, the virtual wallet I've been using for some time. I'm not one to ask for loans, so it was a bit scary, but right now I'm embracing my risky self to step out of my comfort zones, and this is part of the process.Since the wall paint

· 4 days ago

Every time I go out to run errands with my son, we end up celebrating that we completed our tasks with a delicious snack, preferably somewhere we haven't visited before.That's why, on our last outing, I saw this small bakery located on a corner in Lanús, which had a quite tempting promotion. So after the necessary purchases of the day, which I will talk about in another post, we went to this starting point to have a sweet treat before heading back home.Upon entering, we found a small but very cozy place. It had a great selection of sweets, among which it was hard to choose, after finding out that the promotion had ended for the day. From that, we deduced that it was very good, as it was still early for it to be sold out.We opted for an Oreo cake, filled with custard, to share, and even though I have stopped consuming sugar and sweets of this kind (I only taste them), I confess that in this case the temptation to have more than a bite was stronger.Although there was coffee and the weather was suitable for something hot, I chose to have a soda instead, as my son doesn't drink coffee, and I have also recently stopped, so succumbing to just one temptation was more than enough, especially because when it was time to pay, I saw some coconut cream tarts that looked too delicious, and since coconut is one of my favorite flavors, I was on the verge of ordering one to go, which would be just for me, as my kids don't like this fruit.The cost was double that of the promotion, but the portion was also large, so it was well worth what was paid, especially because we ate a lot and were both satisfied and happy.In addition to the cookie seen on the cake slice, there were also crushed Oreo cookies inside, which were small flavor explosions on the palate (I think that's why I couldn't stop eating!)Without a doubt, it is an addictive dessert, but in a good way, one that doesn't tire the palate, even if you eat a large portion.Before leaving,

· 5 days ago

Cuando mi primer hijo nació, la recomendación del pediatra era que lo pusiera descubierto a tomar el sol de la mañana, de manera que absorbiera la vitamina D a través de la piel... pero con lo que no contábamos era que en esos días el llamado "viento barines" tenía todo el clima muy frio y nublado en mi ciudad natal.Así que mis temores de madre primeriza no me dejaban ponerlo al descubierto, tal como me dijo el médico, por temor a que se enfermara de gripe o algo peor, pero en algún momento, tanto su piel como el blanco de sus ojos, se empezó a tornar amarillos! Por suerte, en esos días amaneció un poco despejado y los rayos de sol entraban por la ventana de la habitación, por lo que aproveché para colocarlo en la cama, cerca de la ventana, para que su cuerpo estuviera en contacto con ellos, y evitar que se siguiera poniendo amarillo.Cuando logré estar un poco más tranquila con esto, pues la sola idea de que el no tener vitamina D en su cuerpo le hiciera mal a futuro, o que se quedaría amarillo para siempre, decidí hacer de este momento algo divertido. Fui a la cocina y busqué una cava, mis lentes de sol y un vasito que le habían regalado, aunque todavía no lo usaba, y coloqué todo para hacer esta sesión de fotos como si estuviera en una piscinada.Al llegar su papá en la noche, le mostré estas divertidas fotos, con las que no estuvo muy de acuerdo, ya que para él todo debe ser serio y al pie de la letra, pero ahora, 16 años después, me agradezco haber tomado estas fotos para que mi hijo tenga el recuerdo de esta anécdota documentado en imá
