Learn how to get money without a job!
Step 1: Cheat calisthenics athletes in need of help.
Manuel Ramos stating that the Zulia bars would be built (liying of course)

Step 2: Solicit large amounts of money from Value Plan to fund events for athletes in need.
Step 3: Keep most of the money and buy motorcycles, pay for trips around the country, sexual services and the most expensive hotels and hide the money elsewhere. If necessary pay someone for a flyer and arrange with that person to split the money.
Manuel Ramos buying two motorcycles and sharing it on web2 while not having a job:

The flyer that Zulia athletes originally made:

The flyer Manuel Ramos payed to Victor and that did cost 300$:

Step 4: Use whatever money is left over to pay for a low quality competition that the athletes can be happy with, or to give them supplements or shirts. If necessary, make them believe that resources are not enough for everyone.
Brando Lanchez accepting that an athlete had to pay for his food for an event:

Manuel Ramos saying that not all athletes can go to an event and that he must handpick them:

Manuel Ramos saying that he does not have the necessary resources to transport athletes after having promised to do so:

Step 5: If any athlete gets in your way, throw him out of the community, athletes desperate for crumbs are in abundance in the country, so getting more will not be a problem.
Manuel Ramos ordering Alexander's expulsion because he did not agree to be forced to publish more per week:

Step 6: Remember that the most important thing is to always make it look like your community is very active and that is introducing new members to Hive, so force athletes to post so that whales keep giving you Value Plan money.
If athletes don't want to post because they are not curated, force them to post 5 times a week, the important thing is to make the community look active and successful. It doesn't matter that the community posts don't add value to Hive or attract real sponsors, the only thing that matters is to seem, not to be:

That is all! Now you are rich without even posting on Hive!
If you want more tutorials talk to
@marlenyaragua and his son
@marlenyaragua! They are experts on taking advantage of the blockchain for personal purposes!
@theycallmedan Do you want to know more? Check #stopswc
Para que el mal triunfe solo se necesita que los buenos no hagan nada.
For evil to triumph, all that is needed is for the good guys to do nothing.
– Edmund Burke.
DEVICE: Moto E7i Power
Canva, IMG2Go, Upscayl, GIMP, Darktable
IMAGE EDITOR: Photo Editor,
Canva, IMG2Go, Upscayl, GIMP, Darktable