[Family Protection] In Memory of Alyssa Mae

A little angel that was here only a short while and gone all too soon. Alyssa, to me, represents the many 1,000's of babies that have died while in CPS custody. Heartbreaking as it is, Alyssa's story, although short, will be a life long one for her mother and family and it does need to be told.
Soon after moving to Washington state Alyssa's daddy left the home and her and her mother were stranded with no way to pay for rent. Alyssa and mother ended up in a shelter.
CPS abducted 5 month old Alyssa from her mother and placed her in foster care. Alyssa was breastfed at the time. When CPS removed her the foster mother was using donated breast milk rather than allowing the mother to contribute. This however stopped soon after and Alyssa was put on formula when it became too inconvenient for the foster mom to acquire.
Alyssa's mother was allowed only weekly visits.
In January things started to look hopeful as the money for rent and car repair came in. CPS was requiring the mother to have it all in place before they would return the baby.
On her last weekly visit the mother noticed that baby Alyssa was suffering from a horrible diaper rash that was actually leaving blood in her diaper. She asked her worker if someone or even herself could take the baby to a doctor. This request was refused.
She was not allowed her next weeks visitation and was told it was because the baby was sick.
On January 12, 2018 her mother received THE CALL . Baby Alyssa was dead.
The only fortunate thing in all of this is that Alyssa's mother was able to have an attorney who was following this case and helping with documentation.
The mother was denied seeing her baby's body for 2 days for the reason stated "they" were going to determine time of death and cause of death.
The medical examination finally determined time of death at close to 4:00am and the cause was claimed as SIDS. HOWEVER, it was clearly documented that the first emergency call from the foster mom came in at just a little after 11:00am on that same day.
Alyssa's mother was not notified until after 4:00 PM.
Alyssa's mother has been asking for a second autopsy which she had to pay for but since she was no longer required to rent an apartment those funds could be used for the second autopsy. (still waiting on any reports concerning the second autopsy)
The next challenge for Alyssa's mom was collecting enough funds to have her baby's body shipped to her home state for a proper burial.
The next and life-long challenge for Alyssa's mom is now carrying the love and loss of this beautiful little child with her forever while cherishing the short time Alyssa was here.
I was not going to report on this until the second autopsy had been completed and released but it is obvious to me now that this is yet another story that will be buried from public view.
I was inspired to go ahead and get Alyssa's story out now after seeing a post today from @richq11 in which Youtube has already censored the video he included.
Just this morning while researching another death of a 3 month old who died in foster care this year in Philadelphia I noticed another video being erased not from Youtube but from the original online news broadcast itself. Here is that story.
This is yet another reason @familyprotection is so important. We now have the ability to assure that these stories will remain available to the public by using the Blockchain platform. It is also a relief to know that the team at Familly Protection is dedicated to the mission at hand and with the efforts of all the members/bloggers/researchers/writers/investigators we will preserve the truth.
100% of the SBD from this post will be donated to @familyprotection in memory of Little Alyssa Mae

Approval to use Alyssa's profile pic was granted by her mother
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