Creator & Co-founder of @familyprotection.
Watch on 3SpeakIn this post I will share with you my journey towards enlightenment and how it came to me in the simplest of forms.To request more info on this amazing subject you will have to ask in the comment section.3Speak
Want to see me look a fool and embarrass myself on video, then you've come to right place.This is the beta version but in time when I've purchased a decent editing program and with a bit more confidence I will have it looking half decent.
Digital ID.part 1, I highlighted the agenda to get everyone to adopt a digital ID, and how this obvious push towards the digitization of our identities will play a key roll in enabling the powers that be to set up a digital control grid.
If I wanted to control the lives of every single human on the planet I would introduce a digital ID combined with a centralised digital currency and a social credit score system. Then, I would implement this control grid through already existing applications such as The Vaccine Passport alongside Apple Pay and Android Pay.
Fear is ingrained in all of us, It’s a primitive human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. It can be very useful as it alerts us to the presence of danger. Avoiding dangerous situations is what keeps us alive which is why most people would agree that being fearful is a good trait to have.
Q: What Is The Best Thing About Hitting Rock BottomA: The Only Way Left To Go Is UP!!!There is no doubt that we have all suffered set backs over the past few years which is why it will come as no surprise to hear that I have also had a rough ride on this roller-coaster we call life.