♥ Co-founder of @FamilyProtection / Curator. Interests Include: Gov't Kidnapping, Vaccine Dangers, Unschooling, Parenting, Health -- Exposing Corruption & Lies.
Western Canada
A good friend of mine got rotten advice from a lawyer about CPS/MCFD a couple of years ago.I used to have Leah (not her real name) over for coffee at least once a week while our children played together. In the spring of 2014, her toddler son had slipped on her freshly mopped kitchen floor, landing in the splits position face down, which resulted in a really unusual leg break. They had to travel into big city Children's Hospital to get a specialist capable of making the right type of cast for his leg. The cast went over both legs and around his hips and down to his knee.
The government workers suddenly took the teenage mother's baby, two days before Christmas, 2014.There had been no warning and no investigation. ...Read the first part of Pamela's story HERE ➽ ➽ ... No investigation Before Taking Teenage Mom's Baby: Pamela's Story -- Part I (FamilyProtection Series)
The day before Christmas, 2014, I discovered that my friend's son had arrived in town the night before and stayed at a motel, so I invited him to come stay with us.Joe had arrived on the Greyhound bus because his girlfriend's baby had been brought back here by the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD), after being forcibly removed from Joe's home .
@familyprotection started 6 months ago, for the purpose of sharing stories of CPS and Foster Care abuse, being a support system and educating the public.We hope that getting these stories seen and heard may help protect families and children from ever being torn apart in the first place.
Maya Bradshaw LOVES her daughter, Victoria, with her whole being.Take time to LISTEN to a mother's pleas to be reunited with her precious daughter.The Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD), in the Province of BC, Canada, has snatched her child away and refuses to help this family.
Almost 6 months ago, Mark Whittam approached me about joining him in a Steemit initiative to offer support & awareness of the injustices done to families and children by "Child Protection Services" (CPS). I accepted, and we came up with the account name @familyprotection