Maya Bradshaw's Daughter Has Been Legally Kidnapped And She Needs Our Help! Lets Show Her The Power Of @familyproction.
At family protection we pride ourselves in raising awareness about families that are so often terrorised by CPS, SOCIAL SERVICES, MCFD and all the other government backed legal kidnapping companies that are tearing loving families apart at an alarming rate.
We are succeeding in shining a bright light on the darkness that goes on within this system, a system that thrives on splitting families up, all in the name of p̶r̶o̶t̶e̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ money.
We are also raising funds in the form of crypto's that we hope will one day put us in a position where we can really start to help these families.
Doing everything we can to help bring families back together is a big part of our mission and although our funds are not quite there yet, we still believe we can do our bit in certain cases. Cases such as the one involving Maya Bradshaw and the theft of her beloved daughter by the wicked and heartless MCFD (Ministry of Child & Family Destroyers) in the province of BC, Canada.
This story was covered by @canadian-coconut a few weeks back. Ca-Co stumbled across this story on facebook and felt the need to share it with us here on steemit. Shortly after sharing her story @canadian-coconut and @canadian agreed that Maya Bradshaw should be on steemit and that @canadian could really help this family so we decided to contact her personally.
The Story in Full
Maya Bradshaw, @mayaabb is now a steemian and has been telling her families story in her own words.
In her latest post she let us all know that she has a chance to get her child back before she gets put up for adoption.
Maya Bradshaw has the legal aid, she has the court date, everything is in place. The only problem now is getting to the supreme court in the provincial capital of Victoria where the case will be heard and hopefully overturned. Maya needs our help to get to the court in the city where her daughter is being held captive.
We have been in steady contact with Maya and along with confirming her story with proof to @canadian-coconut she has also informed us of her predicament. The whole trip including gas, meals and accommodation will cost over $1200 CAD.
This is where we can help, the @familyprotection and steemit community can help this women, together we can make a difference, and we will.
We have started a powerdown on the @familyprotection account, this combined with the money that has been raised on @familyprotection's previous post and the rewards from this SOS post, we believe we can raise the money needed for Maya so that she can have one last chance to be reunited with her beloved daughter.
To all our community members we ask for your support in the form of upvotes and resteems, by doing this you will be directly helping a family in need. It's obvious to everyone who has watched one of Maya's videos that this woman is heartbroken and is in desperate need to get her precious daughter back where she belongs.
Together we can do this.
Lets show @mayaabb that she is not alone.
Lets show the world what @familyprotection and steemit is all about.
This post was written by @markwhittam65 Replies