The IFC is baaaack!!!!! You won't want to miss this season!!! Check us out!


It's been a while!

Hello again, everyone! I hope life has found you all well and ready to take on this next season! I am looking forward to meeting new players and hope to see some of the older faces as well!
###### video created by The Host of the IFC: Apolymask!

Wow, wow, wow

This is going to be an awesome season for the IFC! We are on our way to discover The Universe! There are so many topics to gather information on and time seems to be flying by.
Last season we left off with the community being invaded by The Grey aliens. We fought back, captured their ship and made it the new home of the IFC.

Letter to all IFC entrants:

The Universe Quest

The man in the mask, @apolymask says:
Since our community voted and decided to go explore the vastness of space, our first quest this season is going to be about "The Universe".
You can go about this quest however you want, for example, you could do an educational blog post about the universe, a song, a drawing/painting/poem, etc just as long as it's about the universe.
I would personally like to see a short story about where our IFC community is going to explore and what we may find out there in the universe, though anything in regards to the universe will work. :)
So let's get this Season started and share with apolymask our thoughts and/or ideas on The Universe!!!!!
Some interesting perspectives if you want to check this out!!! Also, an interesting read!
[Season 2 Rules](
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