Dreamer of the Information Finding Channel, photographer, filmmaker, poet, martial artist, philosopher, anarchist, grammarian and much more.
Sedona, Arizona
Long story short... The adventures I've been on have become so wild that I'm going to be learning how to rock climb with ropes soon.There's so much going on I'm overwhelmed. So much to learn, so much to explore and... A lot of spiritual stuff like synchronicities.
Dear Amanda... I found this heart shape rock on my adventure the other day and it reminded me of you! <3 It's one of the biggest ones I've ever found! I was pretty excited. :)I've been thinking about you quite a bit, that's something that never really changes. There's always a nice place for you in my mind and heart.
Today is the one year anniversary of when I made the first big discovery which led to all these other amazing adventures I've been on since then.There was a wild synchronicity on that day and without going into too much detail right now I essentially found something on the way home from that adventure which was also placed there on Valentine's Day 12 years prior to that on 2012...
I'm learning to be grateful for my triggers, and... I think this is going to be major for my future psychological health and well being and I think it's going to help a lot with my OCD. It already has. Normally when an intrusive thought enters my brain it feels uncomfortable or unpleasant, now when I notice those thoughts I'm immediately trying to be grateful for them because they are teaching me how to heal and... Wow.
Dear Amanda... Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm a lil late with my letter, this is only the third time I think that I've been late? Either way, I've been pretty good about it over the years and I don't even like thinking about how long it's been... I can't believe it's been over 10 years... I think it's been like... Close to 13 years now? Breaks my heart that you didn't have more time.
I went on another awesome adventure around a week ago, and usually I make a post like the next day or a couple days after... But, I've been so busy that I didn't get around to it until now.There's a lot going on! I've gotta work really hard for the next few months... And then, I think some pretty cool things are going to happen if everything holds together and nothing too tragic happens!