
Artist, Architecture Student, Optimist, "Everything essential is invisible to eye"

Joined in 12, 2017
· 11. Apr 2018
„Long Distance Relationship” Artwork

My new acrykil painting called: „A long distance relationship” Every time when I tell people I’m in a long distance relationship, that my boyfriend is from America, I hear things like: oh, so it’s not going to last right? Oh, it must be so hard for you. It won’t last, the distance is to big. It won’t work, it’s impossible. Really. Every time. Well, yes, it’s not always easy. But those kind of relationships are based on conversation, we talk to each other every day, you can really get to know a person very well like that and you get very close to each other. I’m sure we talk to each other more than a lot of couples who live in the same place. Besides, it is a chance to really understand why are we in a relationship and why is that person special to us. Why do people want to be in a relationship? Because they feel lonely? They what to feel safe? They feel like they can’t live without the other person because they love them so much? And what if suddenly the other person leaves them? Or they die. What then? The other person dies too? I think it’s not healthy to feel like we can’t live without someone. It’s much better when both of you do your own thing, you don’t have to do everything together. This is what a long distance relationship can help you understand. You wouldn’t be able to do that with anybody. If you’re with someone who’s just making you feel safe and then you’re far away, you start to see you can do stuff on your own and you don’t want to be with that person anymore. But if you really just love the person for who they are, they make you feel good no matter how far they are, and you support each other and help each other grow, making each other better people, then even the long distance won’t be an obstacle for you. It can really help you love yourself first before loving a second person. Everything depends on the perspective. A long distance relationship can be a beautiful thing and a great experience if you want it to be and if you’ll make it happen. Don’t ever let people discourage you with anything! 💚
