This drawing began as a parody portrait of a grifter and I didn't quite know what I was going to do or where I would take it. As you can see in the hair I had no idea.
I left the drawing alone for a few days, maybe a week. Hard to tell, time is weird when you make art all the time. The point is, I went back to the drawing and attacked it with gusto and figured I'll probably just finish it and that will be that.
So much left unseen, you wouldn't believe.
ANY WAY . . . I am still not done but you can see now that I no longer have no idea. I dig the 1990 vibe it has and I can definitely see some Simon Bisley influence.
I'm turning this into a bit of a crypto bros horde with a dark slant. WEN OG?
Well that's that, done for now. Next week I might finish it, or tomorrow. Again, time is weird. Thanks for yours :)