
Farming wars are the new big expansions that land on the HK ecosystem and that change the actual farming META making the gameplay more active, introducing new NFTs, new tokens, and new rewards!!
Initially farming wars were gonna be just available through HIVE as will be one of our main funding sources to keep developing as was designed as the plan B in the case we didn't get enough support in our proposal, but as the HIVE community is showing strong support and love the less we can do is making things easier for our players, so we're pretty sure the proposal will be ready for when we launch farming wars so BUDS will be also a payment method to participate in the farming wars sale and upgrades.

This post is a general overview of the expansion and will be detailed in upcoming posts and data can change until the final product

¿What's Farming wars?

New brand tech was discovered in the HK ecosystem and you should be ready to use this new knowledge to attack and protect their farms and over everything else protect your BUDS.
Built on top of the actual interactions and mechanics of the farming game, farming wars introduces 3 new kinds of NFTs:
  • Ultra Advanced Plagues
  • Ultra Advanced Pesticides
  • Nano Gear factories
And also features a new token that will work in a similar way as hkwater with their own NFT that produces it:
  • Nano Gear

This new game mode starts with the Nano Gear factories which are NFT miners (as water towers) of the new token Nano Gear which will be the only way to craft U.Plagues and U.A Pesticides
Plagues, as well as pesticides, are NFTs that interact with the land plots that are in use in the farming game of all the players that accepted to join the farming wars, and can be used to infect a land plot or eradicate a plague from a seed.


So let's start with the plagues and how they work.
Plagues are NFTs with different rarities, success rates, and steal production rates which is explained below and that can only be crafted with nano gears, also you will unlock the ability to craft better plagues based on the level of your active HK avatar (as happen now with joints, water towers, etc)
So when playing, players will have access to a randomized PVP lobby in which players will find land plots planted by other players. Basically, all the land plots planted in the farming game will be visible to the farming game players and will be involved in the interaction of these players.
Landplots will appear with the same rarity of their kind, meaning will be more usual to see Southamerica land plots than Mexico or Asia.
After crafting your plagues with nano gears, you may infect a land plot which can have up to 3 active plagues and once you send a plague to infect a land plot, it has an infecting success rate depending on which kind of plague you're using, which means that infecting a plant is an action that can fail but the better the plague is the higher success rate it has.
Once a plague has infected successfully a land plot, the plague will be attached to the seed that's growing in the land plot and unless someone eradicates the plagues on it (that can or no be the owner of the land plot), once is harvested or die you will get a % of the BUDS produced by the seed automatically.
So this % depends on the plague but in the case of a seed infected by just one of the weakest plagues it will take 4% of its production if isn't eradicated, and in the case of a seed infected with 3 of the strongest plagues they will take 99% of the production if isn't healed.
Remember you can only infect other players' farms.

Best Plaguers pool

We know our players love incentives and that's why farming wars will have their own leaderboard for both eradicators and plaguers to reward them beyond the interaction itself, and this pool will be filled by the BUDS and EXP treasury. The allocation is still being calculated but will be important as is the main core expansion.


So let's start with the pesticides and how they work.
Plagues are NFTs with different rarities, success rate which is explained below and that can only be crafted with nano gears, also you will unlock the ability to craft better pesticides based on the level of your active HK avatar (as happen now with joints, water towers, etc)
So the side of the eradicators works kinda similar but at the same time different to the plaguers, as players can help each other in the farming wars and open the opportunity to earn by helping other players.
When one of your land plots is infected by a plague you will be able to check this in your farming wars inventory and directly have the chance to use a pesticide if the eradication is successful the plague will die and your seed will be free of it.
If a seed is harvested after eradicating all the plagues on it, its production won't be affected and you will be a happy farmer!
The second option will be a randomized PVP lobby that will show you land plots of other players infected by plagues and you can use your pesticides to eradicate their plagues, wether you eradicate the plagues from your land plots or from other player's land plots you will start earning points in the eradicator's leaderboard.
At the top of this, if the eradication is successfuly completed, pesticides have a capture rate which gives you a chance to obtain the plague that you eradicated.
The weakest pesticide has a 10% success rate when eradicating a plague and the strongest has a 50% success rate.

Eradicators rewards pool

We know our players love incentives and that's why farming wars will have their own leaderboard for both eradicators and plaguers to reward them beyond the interaction itself, and this pool will be filled by the BUDS and EXP treasury. The allocation is still being calculated but will be important as is the main core expansion.

What About Land plot owners?

After some feedback and to be consistent with our freedom philosphy, landplot owners will have the option to choose to not participate in the farming wars, but in the case they choose to participate, what will be the incentive?
Well of course wouldn't make sense for land plots owners to join the farming wars without some juicy rewards. So the first thing is that each war action that occurs over your land plots will give you points for a rewards pool also filled with BUDS and EXP, and these points will be based on which kind of plague or pesticide is being used. Basically, the more land plots you enter the war the more rewards you will get, points will be also based on the region of the land plot.

Nano Gears Factories

40000 Nano Gears Factories LVL 1 will be available for sale at $1.25 each, after this initial sale no more Nano Gears Factories will be sold as this qty is made on a base of the actual farming tokenomics, and each can be upgraded up to 5 times (up to level 6) for $2.5.
Is the same amount as water towers upgrades but instead of 10 at $1.25 we are offering 5 upgrades at $2.5
Players will be able to upgrade their Nano Gear Factories based in their active avatar level:
  • Upgrade to level 2 - AVATAR LVL 1
  • Upgrade to level 3 - AVATAR LVL 20
  • Upgrade to level 4 - AVATAR LVL 35
  • Upgrade to level 5 - AVATAR LVL 55
  • Upgrade to level 6 - AVATAR LVL 70
This was the previous version, you can see the name of the factories have changed and that there's a typo in "upgrade"
Remember that if we get the proposal upgrades and Nano Gears Factories will be able to acquire also with other coins including BUDS, and therefore those BUDS will be also burned, also we're gonna include this on the water tower upgrades.


Well to not have more "presales" active at the same time, the Nano Gears Factories sale will be launched when we finish the development of the entire expansion which is right now in phase 2 as our illustrators already finished the design of all the NFTs, logos, interfaces, buttons and our frontend dev is about to start setting them up.
Farming wars will be available in around one month and a half but the sale will start a bit before of it so players can have time to start getting their factories. Remember only 40000 factories will be available for sale.

Expect more info regarding each NFT in the following posts.

¿How to support HK development?

Considering the last downtrends of the market, this has affected us in our development funding, so we really appreciate every kind of help you can give us by supporting our work.
If you like how we are developing the Hashkings metaverse/ecosystem there are plenty ways in which you can give us a hand:
  • Leave us a supporting message in our discord <3
  • Upvote and share our posts
  • Writing posts about Hashkings (we love organic growth)
  • Upgrading water towers
  • Buying avatar packs
  • Voting for our HIVE witness @hashkings
  • Voting for our development proposal. # VOTE HERE 🔥

And of course on HIVE

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