From my mom, well many more things, almost always from moms we receive more gifts, I would say gifts, of all of them, I keep the one of handicrafts and cooking.
As I told you my mother was a teacher, and they say that all teachers are creative, but it is not like that, not all of them, because I have property to say it. But my mom was one and not because she was a teacher, because before she was a teacher she liked to make beautiful things, I remember a lot of what they call now a cotillion, but before they were some surprises or memories, if she made me for a birthday one with the toilet paper tube, drawing and coloring, the face of Peter Pan stuck it to the tube already lined and ready, it was very nice.
With time this gift or gift of creativity I have it but of course now with more materials, new techniques, I love to make crafts, at school it was very useful to set my classroom, there was no activity in which I did not do something like for: Mother's Day, Christmas, Carnival, as well as others, every day surpassing myself, feeling happy about what I was doing, I have also come to make them for orders and happy customers, my crafts range from: foami, recycled, drawing on fabric, wood, uffff....
And in the kitchen, for everyone, their mother is the best cook in the world, even the best hallaca is made by my mother, although last year I made them with my sister-in-law, my mother gets tired a lot. My mom was the one who made the birthday cakes, from there we all learned here if all my siblings inherited this gift. I make mine for my children, for snacks at home and one or two other orders.
Not to mention the seasoning of the culinary art, if meals, savory dishes, even inventing dishes that good with what you have.