My life, however, cannot be calm.
From the beginning ... I have already written here about my cancer, about the biopsy, I do not know if I mentioned my endometriosis and the 6 laparoscopies that I had because of this disease. I wrote that I was preparing for a cervical vertebrae surgery. I also wrote that I was going for an X-ray of my heel, because I have a spur and the doctor needs an image, and also an X-ray of my knee, which has been bothering me for a year, i.e. since the fall down the hill. The result of the heel X-ray, as I suspected, in the description writes that it is a spur. The result of the knee finished me off, put me in a state of panic and I started to shake all over .... I broke down ... Well, in the description there are three options of what ails me. The first is the mildest - BONE ISLAND. The second one can also be, but the treatment is more difficult and longer - BONE INFARCTION. Third option - INTROMOSTOUS CHANNOSLEY, a benign bone tumor. When I read that I could have another tumor, it literally knocked me back into the car seat I was sitting in.... I'm really fed up with all the doctors, diseases, tests, medications. I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like a wreck... There's always something wrong with me, something hurts all the time, and every day!!!! There's not a day without pain, without illnesses... My patience for all this is slowly wearing thin!!!!
At home, I calmly read a bit about these three diagnoses. I analyzed all the symptoms I had and came to the conclusion that it would probably be a bone infarction... The only question is how advanced... I take deep breaths, calm down and wait for the doctor's appointment, which I have on Thursday. After the diagnosis, I'll keep thinking about what to do with my next problem..
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