VSC Blocks Explorer 2H 2024 Update

Disclaimer: VSC Blocks is not an official project by the VSC team.
Below are the highlights of latest changes added to VSC Blocks UI that have been worked on recently as of second-half of 2024.

DID address page

The long awaited address page for did: prefixed accounts are here.
Details on the layer 2 accounts that may now be explored include full transaction history (contract calls, transfers, withdraw requests), events, bridge activity and account balances. These addresses may be searched through the search bar as well.
The URL format for this page is /address/:address/:tab?/:page?. For example, this is the first page of transaction events for the address shown above.

Unconfirmed transactions

The L2 transaction page now displays transactions that are in the mempool to be included in a block. The page auto-refreshes upon transaction inclusion in a block followed by transaction output, without user interaction.
Most recent transactions will also have the signature CID displayed which links to the transaction signature on IPFS.

Witness schedule page

Know ahead of time of which witness is scheduled to propose the next block. The row corresponding to the current slot (by L1 block number) is highlighted in bold. This is a live view which auto-refreshes from slot to slot and schedule to schedule.

Other enhancements

  • Dedicated transaction output page now separated from normal /vsc-tx page that details the transaction outputs for contract calls.
  • Event page for any events that were emitted as a result of one or more transactions.
  • Result of L1 transaction (i.e. block/election proposal, contract creation, contract call) displayed below the transaction payload (example).
  • Listed most recent contract calls by contract address in the info page.
  • Fixed rendering of wide tables on mobile displays by wrapping them in appropriate container (commit).
  • Fixed block page crash due to non-existent block (commit).
  • Increase max width of all pages to make better use of horizontal space (commit).
  • Used the newer REST APIs to replace the older style JSON-RPC calls for L1 API calls (commit).


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