[Family Protection] A Coordinated Effort

We as the people of this planet spend a great deal of time connecting the dots to show what is wrong in this world. There are plenty of dots to connect indeed! It is a time of change and time to start connecting the dots to the things that are right in this world. As you will notice throughout the many posts by the @familyprotection team, many eyes are now focusing on making the world a better place for all life she holds. One primary goal should always be the well being of our children and our families. So first I want to thank all the Steemians that are going the extra mile, missing sleep and giving of their time and effort to make Family Protection one of the most worthwhile projects on the Steemit Platform.

When Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs Becomes Reckless/Child Endangerment

CCHR states:
The fact that Child Protective Service (CPS) or other government funded agencies can charge parents with “Medical Neglect” for refusing to give their child a dangerous and potentially life-threatening psychiatric drug is an oxymoron. There is no “medical” or scientific test in existence to prove any child has a “mental disorder” or “mental illness, so how it is medical neglect to refuse to drug a child, where there is no evidence of “medical abnormality”? Diagnosis is completely and utterly subjective—based solely on a checklist of behaviors. The only medical risk to the child is when they are prescribed psychiatric drugs.
The legal definition of Reckless Endangerment is:
Reckless endangerment is a crime consisting of acts that create a substantial risk of serious physical injury to another person. The accused person isn’t required to intend the resulting or potential harm, but must have acted in a way that showed a disregard for the foreseeable consequences of the actions. The charge may occur in various contexts, such as, among others, domestic cases, car accidents, construction site accidents, testing sites, domestic/child abuse situations, and hospital abuse. State laws and penalties vary, so local laws should be consulted.
The legal definition of Child Endangerment is:
Child Endangerment refers to an act or omission that renders a child to psychological, emotional or physical abuse. Child abuse based on the offense of child endangerment is normally a misdemeanor, but endangerment that results in mental illness or serious physical illness or injury is a felony. The child who is subjected to child endangerment is called an abused child or a neglected child.
CCHR has decrypted hundreds of thousands of adverse reaction reports filed with the FDA so these could be easily searched by the public online providing a use specific search engine. The search engine summarizes all international studies and drug regulatory warnings that have been issued on both classes of drugs. These include: antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, stimulants, etc. and brand names such asProzac, Zoloft, Paxil, Risperdal, Seroquel, Ritalin etc.
There are a growing number families today struggling with the issue of their children being mandatorily prescribed these highrisk medications, whether the children remain in the home or in a foster care/group home, under the control of CPS.
Collecting the data showing potential harm by reckless endangerment could/should prove "reasonable doubt". There is enough proof to bring in to question if ANY of these mind altering drugs should be being prescribed to children even by licensed PRACTICING professionals let alone recommended by an employee/case-worker of a CPS agency.
It is time we demand issues of this nature be addressed in Family Court. At least until the entire Child Protection Services is either "completely" restructured or "completely" dissolved . I do hope this Search Engine will help those in need to prepare:
[More than one-fourth of foster children are prescribed psychiatric drugs](https://steemit.com/fulllyinformedpublic/@vickiebarker/family-protection-what-is-akathisia)
For those not familiar with the reports generated on the adverse side-effects of these drugs, please visit: SSRI STORIES
I am not yet familiar with the in's and out's of how the child "service" agencies work in other countries as I am in the U.S.. So far it seems they are all on the same course however. This is yet another reason Family Protection here on this Steemit platform is so important. We have a growing number of Family Protection group members from around the world that are not only dedicated to this cause but are bringing their own expertise and specialties to the group. At this point I am not aware of how many countries are represented here but we are still able to help each other, most likely in ways we've not yet recognized.
Here in the U.S., an attorney, Jonathan W. Emord, Esq., who has accepted the charge to pursue legal action against the FDA due to the exponential and dangerous prescription drugs used for mental health in the medical industry. His case will be based on the link between the use of psychiatric drugs and the many school shootings that have taken place in the last few decades and is calling for a Federal investigation.
Attorney Emord has defeated the FDA more times in Federal Court that any other attorney in U.S. History.
The evidence Attorney Emord will be providing, if submissable, will be a matter of record and should be available to the public.
We know court cases can drag out for a very long time, however the needed information may be accessible along the way. It lays a game plan for additional proceedings and may set a precedence for others to follow in their own respective countries.
PLEASE NOTE: The CCHR mentioned above may have established attorneys in several nations that could be contacted because they are International.
Here in the U.S. the president recently established a law to curtail the expeditious placement of children into Foster Care and instead change the focus of CPS to find alternate ways to preserve the family unit while leaving the children in homes. This law is so new it really has not presented itself as ACTIVE but time will tell. If nothing else, it should at least provide families time to organize their thoughts and prepare themselves.
[READ ABOUT THE NEW Family First Prevention Services Act HERE](https://steemit.com/fullyinformedpublic/@vickiebarker/u-s-president-signs-buchanan-bill-aimed-at-keeping-families-together)
We live in an exceptional time and it calls for exceptional action, perserverence, discernment and a collective intention. I have no doubt the devoted members of @familyprotection will succeed in shining the light for Justice. @familyprotection has asked us to:
Think outside the box, because Lawyers and family courts are a losing battle and we all know it!
Yes indeed! The current system has been created by design. It keeps the individual families busy, living in fear and with uncertainty. Finances and time are disrupted with the burden of proof of innocence falling on the family with no recourse. We must rise above the repression and become responsible, thinking adults. The system has been over-run with the vicious, the greedy, the immoral and their "followers". It is simply a time for change.
A more fully informed public is necessary. Our communities are always a great place to start but keeping in mind there are a great many communities throughout the world. We have learned that good news does not generally travel fast, does not get much mention (if any at all) from the mainstream media networks nor is it easily recognized or accepted by the masses.
[Justice is Relentless if Sometimes Slow](https://steemit.com/unitedwelight/@vickiebarker/united-we-light-justice-and-divine-vengeance-pursuing-crime)
Ideas, suggestions and comments are always welcome. There are so many wonderful investigative reporters here within the Steemit community to thank so it would not be fair to try to name them all. Please do yourself a favor: Find them and follow them.
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