Secret Santa Badassery!!!

Holy crap! It's been almost a year since my last post. Life has been keeping me busier than I could imagine and the computer with my keys has been 6hrs away. Yesterday we made the trip back downstate and here I am! Onto the shiny.

Secret Santa Time!!!

This is the 4th year I've participated in the #silvergoldstackers Secret Santa Holiday and it never disappoints. Not sure how I made it off the Naughty list but it looks like Santa heard about it too.
This package was delivered while we were downstate for family Christmas and was almost sent back. Luckily we made it back up in time to pick it up. Let's have a look.
Upon opening the package I was greeted by Christmas Card, Chocolate Santa and small parcel wrapped in duct tape. Oh man this is going to be a good one.
First I opened the card. It was a nice winter scene with an oxen team moving some wood. Feels like what I've been doing while at the new house. I thought I had a picture of the inside of the card but it doesn't look like it saved. It was some creative and encouraging words that a "MF'r should keep stacking and have a happy holiday!" I Love Santa's sense of humor!
Next was the small package. Holy shit it took some doing to get the tape off it. About 5 minutes later I was half way in. This thing better not be filled with glitter like a past present I recieved. (@dfinney) 😂😂😂


I must have been way better than I thought! Inside the tape-covered package were 2 badass silver rounds. Santa, you were too good to me! Let's have a peak at them.

Annuit Coeptis

The first coin I saw was a familiar sight. It bore the words Annuit Coeptis, meaning "He has approved our undertakings." and is found on the back of US Currencies.
The back of it was the Great Seal of the US, representing the symbol of our sovereignty as a nation. Boy I wish that were true. The edge of the coin is smooth and is inscribed with the words .999 Fine Silver. I don't have a picture of that so you'll just have to take my word on it.
Next up is one of my absolute favorite mints. They've always had the most unique and controversial coins out there. Behold the Zombucks and it's Kookaburied coin...from the future!!! I'm not sure how Santa got a coin from 2026 but he does have hella skills.
I can't describe it better than Provident Metals so here is what they have to say about it.
Introducing the latest addition to the Zombucks World Collection – the second design that brings the zombie apocalypse to Australia’s native kookaburra birds.
The 2nd issue of the Zombucks World Series!
Final mintage of 25,008 rounds!
Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver.
Bears an apocalyptic value of 75 Zombucks.
Limited-time minting!


On the obverse of the Silver Zombucks World Kookaburied Round, a haunting image of a zombie kookaburra in left-profile relief awaits. Its body is in a state of decay, with fallen-out eyes, rotting flesh, and bare, skeletal wings – a testament to the relentless march of the apocalypse. Inscriptions on this side read KOOKABURIED, 2026, and the face value of 75 zombucks. The dates on these rounds reflect the futuristic setting of the zombie apocalypse.


Flip the round over, and you’ll find the common design element used throughout the Zombucks collections on the reverse side. The well-known biohazard design with particles floating in the background field adds to the apocalyptic atmosphere. The top edge is engraved with the series theme, “ZOMBUCKS CURRENCY OF THE APOCALYPSE,” while 1 OZ. .999 FINE SILVER is engraved along the bottom.

Another year our group has outdone themselves.

I couldn't be happier with my presents this year and we have an amazing group of coin collectors. I'll be taking this computer back to the new house with me and will be able to post more as I get time. Thanks a million Secret Santa and I can't wait to do this again next year!!!

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