Finally! My first post of this year, after resting my eyes for a few days from the computer. As soon as I saw the initiative proposed by
@miriannalis I said: excellent, what better way to start the year than closing cycles to let better things into our lives....
...letting new doors open 🚪 for our growth and evolution 🙌.
Learning to close stages is not easy and even more so if it involves loved ones or painful situations. Particularly, the year 2024 was extremely hard for me, I had to leave behind some people who were still part of my most important close circle... people I held in very high esteem.
They were still a priority for me, but I found out that I was never a priority for them. It was a shock because I had already been doing a detox for a couple of years of people who did not contribute to me and I thought I had already purged enough. The difference is that it didn't affect me as much as before, practice makes perfect 😁. I took a deep breath and let go of that little group of individuals that didn't leave me anything good either (I just hope this was the last group 🙏).
This left me with one learning: to prioritize myself more, give myself my place and not allow others to take advantage of me. I could also add not to prioritize those who don't do it for us, those who ignore us or remember our existence only and exclusively when they need something. Try to stop writing to that person and you will see who kept the link (it happened to me, lesson learned).
What can we rescue from here? The importance of letting go of everyone who should no longer be in our lives, otherwise, how will new and better people arrive? 🤔
Throughout the past year, I have been accompanied by a strange sense of death and completion. Not in a sense of passing to another plane, but rather that another version of me ceased to exist... and that with it went much of my past. When I look back, it all feels distant, as if it happened in another life.
With this new version, some “pieces” in my life did not fit that before, such as the way I relate to others, some types of thinking, my philosophy of life, my way of seeing work and love as a couple. I had conflicts with this new part I was experiencing because I did not recognize myself, until I understood that it is part of maturing and awakening spiritually.
When I look back, I can't believe how much time has passed and how much I have grown, even though I still have a long way to go. The learning I can take from this premise is: acceptance, self-love and let the wind blow away those other selves that served in the past, but are now obsolete in the present and for the future. Let the previous avatar die!
What can we rescue from here? That we are constantly changing and evolving beings, we cannot be the same as we were a year or two years ago or, worse still, ten years ago... personally, I have come across people who remained anchored in a kind of perpetual immaturity and that is not where it is. We should be concerned if we haven't changed anything in several years 😅.
In a post by
@germanandradeg that I recently read in the community, he mentioned about making the famous lists on the last day of the year or at the beginning of the year, full of goals and dreams that you want to achieve. He commented that it was easy to get frustrated when reviewing it in a few months and realizing that absolutely nothing of what was expected had been accomplished.
I completely agree and that's why I stopped making lists like that. Sometimes we get lost in all that talking and writing things down without taking action. And it is that “action” that will lead us to achieve all those goals and projects we long for.
So the learning I can share from this idea and based on my experience is: first, do not tell anyone what you are thinking of doing until it is ready, second, stop making so many lists of goals and steps to follow, act more! third and not least, try not to waste time, be consistent and maintain discipline in what you want to achieve.
Taking small but steady steps 💪, you get to the goal faster than trying to cover everything and setting long-term goals. Basically, it's better to focus on small, short-term goals. This avoids the frustration and demotivation of not seeing real progress.
What can we rescue from here? No matter how organized and beautifully decorated that list is 😂😅, if we're dragging the same old habits and haven't learned to be consistent.... forget it! The same thing will keep happening to us, January next year will come with new regrets for not meeting any goals.
I plead guilty of making those lists and making little drawings, lines, colors, etc., 🤣 and nothing changed because of my bad habits and lack of constancy. What I mean is that the problem, in most occasions, is oneself. Apart from the circumstances of the country that usually influence for certain things, an accident, an illness, something out of our hands, you know what I mean? otherwise, we are ourselves 😅.
To close, the truth is that I don't consider myself the best example to teach anyone how to close cycles, I just hope that sharing part of my experience will help you with yours and maybe, interacting in the comments, we can give each other more ideas 💪.
That's all for today, I loved this initiative. A big hug to the Holos&Lotus community 🤗.