Happy Fathers's Day!

Last Sunday was Fathers' day and of course, my daughter naturally wanted to gift her dad something. She decided she wanted to make a card like the one we saw in one of those artsy videos we watched. So before Sunday came, we had an arts amd crafts day for our homeschoolimg journey.
It's a good thing we have our Paper Sloyd book, we used it as a guide on how to make the box design that my daughter wanted to make. She wanted to make a box card that has a rolling paper onside showing some father daughter pictures.
Whenever we go out, I love taking pictures of my two favorite people. They botj don't like posing too much in front of the camera so I settle for stolen shots like these. It has been a habit to me to take a snap of the two of them walking together. I think it's sweet and I want to remember moments like these when I'm old and gray.
Anyway, as usual, I just had her do all the cutting amd the drawing and the designing. I was just there to glue and stick all the pieces together.
To make the card, we used a rectangle paper. We used watercolor paper for this project. We wanted to make a rectangular box so we cut on folded the sides to form a box. I punched holes on the corners of the flaps that will overlap. This is where the stick will go through. While I printed the pictures, my daughter went ahead and decorated and designed the box.
She was really excited to give the card so we celebrated Fathers' day last Saturday instead of Sunday. This little girl is just so thoughtful like that. She loves gift giving and she loves surprises so she likes seeing the smile on our faces whenever she gives us any of her arts.
I wish all the dads in the world a happy fathers' day. You are the heroes of your sons and daughters. Remember that you are your daughter's standard for the man they'll choose to marry in the future, and your son's role model on how to be a proper man. Happy fathers' day!
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