Photo Diary 2024-01-18 (Sparrows, Magpies and Crows)

I took a shorter walk yesterday as I was tired from my previous day's excursions. I covered about 1km (0.6 mi) on foot around the Peacehaven Centenary Park and captured some birds who enjoy the park.
As with the previous day, I found a shrub full of house sparrows (Passer domesticus); although these birds are at risk, they are plentiful in this area. They can be pretty hard to focus on, especially seeing as I knocked the range switch on my lens, making it impossible to focus on them... mistakes were made:

"House sparrow in a winter shrub": Photographer: @richardslater, F-Stop: f/8, Focal Length: 600mm, Exposure: 1/1600 sec, ISO: 250, Camera: Sony α7R V, Lens: Sony 200-600 F5.6-6.3 G OSS Lens, Taken: Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:33
As you would expect from an area used by humans, the Corvadie species were in plentiful supply. We saw four Magpies (Pica pica) in total, which is a good sign for a healthy community of birds:

"Magpie sits on a fence post": Photographer: @richardslater, F-Stop: f/8, Focal Length: 600mm, Exposure: 1/400 sec, ISO: 100, Camera: Sony α7R V, Lens: Sony 200-600 F5.6-6.3 G OSS Lens, Taken: Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:42
Almost in the same spot a few minutes later as a Carrion Crow (Corvus corone), they appear to like these solid fence posts as perches. This is another example of the animal kingdom adapting to human beings:

"Carrion Crow sits on a fence post": Photographer: @richardslater, F-Stop: f/8, Focal Length: 594mm, Exposure: 1/400 sec, ISO: 100, Camera: Sony α7R V, Lens: Sony 200-600 F5.6-6.3 G OSS Lens, Taken: Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:45
The same Crow decided to head off as I got closer, and I got this lovely freeze frame of it in flight, among about 80 other photographs taken at the maximum speed I could with my camera.

"Carrion Crow in flight": Photographer: @richardslater, F-Stop: f/8, Focal Length: 600mm, Exposure: 1/640 sec, ISO: 100, Camera: Sony α7R V, Lens: Sony 200-600 F5.6-6.3 G OSS Lens, Taken: Thursday, 18 January 2024 11:45
I won't be going on a walk today. I might see if I can get some shots of the Starlings at the feeder in the back garden if I feel up to it. Thank you again for taking the time to read my post and look at the photos; I appreciate everyone who takes the time to encourage me in the comments.
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