Influencer Coins

You heard that right.
Influencer coins.
These will probably be the first wave of crypto-integration that hits the world. People with large followings will want to start their own tokens to make a buck or two.
You may have already seen the start of it with a few major corporate backed influencers taking the mantle to make their own tokens.
The problem here is that almost every one of them are completely and utterly inexperienced in every way to start their own token.
And they know this.
So they outsource the idea to a management company -- and well, these management companies care not for little john and his $10.
Fuck him.
Every influencer token I've ever saw that's been launched has rugged in a couple of hours. And I expect this wave will be no different if something isn't done about it, or at least the people that decide to go with an influencer token do the necessary research to what these things actually involve.
I'll be honest, the only influencer token I'd probably buy was if Coffeezilla launched a token, but that would be as far as I would take it.
I hear Mr Beast is launching a token in this bull market. If I were you I'd stay as far away as possible from that if you can.
I mean, let me break it down for you.
I've worked with influencers, writers and so on over the period of 2013 to about 2020. A lot of the people I talked to commanded audiences of 100k and upwards; their sphere of influence was mesmerizing.
But one thing that connected all of these influencers together was their absolute fear of anything technological.
There was always someone else behind the scenes helping them with the technical side; be that the look and feel of their site, to keeping hackers at bay -- and hackers want in if you have a large audience.
I have no doubt that it is mostly the same with our new breed of video influencers and X influencers -- I could bet not one of them understands the consequences of sniping the supply at launch, let alone detail it.
Those that do, well, generally they are not very good influencers.
In this world I've realised that people either do one of two things; they either dedicate their life to driving audiences and speaking to people, or they dive nose deep into numbers and analytics, rarely are they good at both.
Those that are good at both, well, there's still a side they favour.
Those people are also rare.
So this is a warning going out to you, all of you, those that will be driven mad by the extreme highs that are about to grace our doorsteps -- be careful.
Unless something is done about the barrier to entry; to create these tokens, or to at least monitor them, then influencer tokens will always be outsourced to management companies which will almost always wreck you.
They want your crypto.
And nothing will stop them.
Keep your Grandads pension. Let him spend it on himself.