The Personality is Power, is Destruction and Creation that few authors manage to print in their characters, in the miniature you observe a being that walks between innocence and evil that mocks the weak and the strong, the moments of inspiration define the soul that is deposited in these drawings so that they go from being something that is only on paper to be beings that bend masses of audiences that for generations will remember the Presence and Style of their favorite characters.
With this review focused on Majin Buu I invite you to know the character beyond its impact on the World Culture that makes many know him by sight but not necessarily in his personality because they have not yet been encouraged to see his full arc of development, with this review where I will mention the striking of their personalities to encourage them to see the saga where his story is fully developed that if there is something to note among fans of Dragon Ball Z is that their sagas are equally distributed favoritism and therefore for many viewers Majin Buu is their favorite villain.
The Innocence VS The Spectre of Evil is what I think best defines the personalities of this character, there is something that inspired the creation of this villain that I consider is not by chance, that is, the sequence of ideas to develop his arc is very well defined where precisely each personality marks sub arcs of evolution throughout the conflict.
No wonder Akira Toriyama is a genius of which I notice that he repeats the formula that has worked since the first saga but he knows how to reinvent himself, he manages to give individuality to his villains so that despite having a narrative base which in essence is repeated, he manages to have enough difference so that the viewer does not realize and remains surprised, the point I want to convey is I think that the Author Toriyama was inspired to write and draw Buu in those multiple personalities that many have heard and seen in series and movies.
Innocence is part of being children where something that gives them a great characteristic is that they are unable to perceive when they hurt or harm others, many children, to give an example, when playing with ants they end up hurting them because what is a game for them, in the case of ants is life or death, then there is a turning point in our lives where we learn that just as we do not like physical or emotional suffering, then neither do others.
This I just wrote is basically the personality of Majin Buu Fatty, is a child who plays and in that process does not know the damage he does to others because he just wants to play and have fun, is not my favorite Majin Buu but it is the one that has the emotional moment that has reached me the most of all Draqgon Ball Z because I appreciate the life of animals and I am sorry to see so many people as adults who have not yet had that turning point that I mentioned above to value the rest of the animals and their existence.
La Inocencia VS El Espectro de La Maldad es lo que pienso mejor define las personalidades de este personaje, hay algo que inspiro la creación de este Villano que considero no es la casualidad, es decir, la secuencia de ideas para desarrollar su arco esta muy bien definida donde justamente cada personalidad marca sub arcos de evolución en todo el conflicto.
Con razón Akira Toriyama es un genio del cual noto que repite la fórmula que le ha funcionado desde la primera saga pero sabe reinventarse, logra darle individualidad a sus villanos para que a pesar de tener una base narrativa la cual en esencia se repite, él logra que tenga la diferencia suficiente para que el espectador no se de cuenta y se mantenga sorprendido, el punto que quiero transmitir es pienso que el Autor Toriyama se inspiro para escribir y dibujar a Buu en esas personalidades múltiples que muchos hemos escuchado y visto en series y películas.
La Inocencia es parte de ser niños donde algo que le da una gran característica es que no logra percibir cuando hace un daño o lastima a otros, muchos niños por decir un ejemplo al jugar con hormigas bruscamente terminan lastimandolas porque lo que es un juego para ellos, en el caso de las hormigas es via o muerte, entonces hay un punto de inflexión en nuestras vidas donde aprendemos que así como no nos gusta el sufrimiento físico o emocional, entonces a los demás tampoco.
Esto que acabo de escribir es básicamente la personalidad del Majin Buu Gordito, es un niño que juega y en ese proceso no sabe el daño que hace a los demás porque solo quiere jugar y divertirse, No es mi majin Buu favorito pero es el que tiene el momento emocional de los que mas ha llegado a mi de todo Draqgon Ball Z porque yo aprecio mucho la vida de los animales y me da pesar ver tantas personas ya siendo adultas que aun no han tenido ese punto de inflexión que mencione anteriormente para valorar al resto de los animalitos y su existencia.

SUPER Buu is the most exotic personality of all the Buus, in theory he has some intelligence haha but it is at the convenience of the author since there are moments that can define the whole story but he does not do it by pretending to be silly haha with his strange and clumsy laugh, he is definitely bad but he is also calmer giving the whole concept of Majin Buu the versatile element adapting to a variety of battles to enjoy fights with various Z Warriors.
With this specific Majin Buu I have a nice story I want to share, in the distant 2000's I was on vacation and where I was vacationing there was a place where they rented video games, there I met the game that just contains the gif where the pose and style of this specific Buu stands out haha.
Whenever I see everything associated with this character, I remember that beginning of the video game that presented all the characters and among them this adaptive Buu that in his personality contains various aesthetics, it is very CELL this Majin Buu because he seeks to continuously improve.
SUPER Buu es la personalidad mas exótica de todos los Buus, en teoría tiene algo de inteligencia jaja pero es a conveniencia del autor ya que hay momentos que puede definir toda la historia pero no lo hace haciéndose pasar por tonto jaja con su risa extraña y torpe, definitivamente es malo pero también es mas tranquilo dándole a todo el concepto de Majin Buu el elemento versátil adaptándose a una gran variedad de batallas para disfrutar de peleas con variados Guerreros Z.
Con este Majin Buu en específico tengo una grata historia que les quiero compartir, en los ya lejanos años 2000 yo estaba de vacaciones y en el lugar donde estaba vacacionando había un sitio donde alquilaban video juegos, allí conocí el juego que justo contiene el gif donde se destaca la pose y estilo de este Buu en específico jaja.
Siempre que veo todo lo asociado con este personaje, me acuerdo de ese inicio del video juego que presentaba a todos los personajes y entre ellos a este Buu adaptativo que en su personalidad encierra variadas estéticas, es muy CELL este Majin Buu porque busca perfeccionarse continuamente.

Now if we go with my favorite part of the review and cherry on the cake for this character with the explosive and malignant personality of Kid Buu, this is my favorite Majin Buu that is as if he were a bad boy, I mention the boy because of his physical presence but the rest is pure evil.
When I saw this saga in those distant 2000's it was the Buu that impacted me the most because of the cruelty with which he acts and I like that, the cruelty in battle without so many games, this Buu seeks to hurt, damage, kill and he enjoys it in the whole process.
It is always mentioned that the other Buus can be stronger, and this varies from person to person but for me the personality of this Buu is imposed to massacre the others with his evil aura, that is, you really perceive that the good ones are going to die plus it is a Buu that walks between torture and volatile, can be encouraged to fight for a while as it can be encouraged to explode everything without blinking, it is the most tremendous Buu of all and my favorite.
I'm sure most of you know the story of this character to which I give him 10 out of 10 because the classics deserve the best and this character is already a classic, he is the protagonist of the saga where he lives and if you still don't know him, I hope with this review you will be encouraged to see his arc, he is not at all a secondary because everything that happens depends on him, he is constantly on stage with his pink color Evil.
Ahora si vamos con mi parte favorita de la reseña y cereza del pastel para este personaje con la personalidad explosiva y maligna de Kid Buu, este es mi Majin Buu favorito que es como si fuera un niño malo, nombro lo de niño por su presencia física pero el resto es la maldad pura.
Cuando vi esta saga en aquellos lejanos 2000 fue el Buu que mas me impacto por la crueldad con la que actúa y a mi me agrada eso, la crueldad en batalla sin tantos juegos, este Buu si busca lastimar, dañar, matar y lo goza en todo el proceso.
Siempre se menciona que los otros Buus pueden ser mas fuertes, ya esto varía de persona a persona pero para mi la personalidad de este Buu se impone al masacrar a los otros con su aura maligna, es decir, de verdad percibes que los buenos van a morir además de que es un Buu que se pasea entre la tortura y lo volátil, puede animarse a pelear un rato como puede animarse a explotar todo sin pestañear, es el Buu mas tremendo de todos y mi favorito.
Estoy seguro la gran mayoría conoce la historia de este personaje al cual le doy 10 chiquitos de 10 porque los clásicos merecen lo mejor y este personaje ya es todo un clásico, es el protagonistas de la saga donde hace vida y si aun no le conoces, espero con esta reseña te animes a ver su arco, no es para nada un secundario porque de el depende todo lo que sucede, esta constantemente en escena con su color Rosado Maldad.
I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.

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