Ramadan 18 has been done perfectly. I did the best service to my boss and the people we shared breakfast everyday. It's a feeling of being accomplishments and sacrificing. I owe to God to give me strength so I can do what the best for my boss. Giving satisfying service those who give me salary though my salary is lower than the other have but our relationship as a family member I appreciate more than money.
Cooking,cleaning and everything I successfully done everyday. Yesterday night, I was busy cleaning downstairs to prepare for any surprise visitors coming. Then,my friend fellow #ofw called me to join their dinner because it's a birthday of her sister. I stopped cleaning but everything was already in good place if there is visitor. I asked my madam that I had to go to her sister's house to have my dinner. She said okay. I need to do it fastly, they were hungry and I needed to come home quickly too, to cook for the dinner or meal before the sunrise called Suhor. Futor or Iftar is a meal after the sunset white Suhor is a meal before the sunrise. This is the proper meal and drinking of water or juice during Ramadan.
I walk so fast without changing my dress. Just going there to eat. No matter what smell I was I forgot everything. They were waiting for me and they didn't like to eat without me to pray for our food and wishes for the celebrant.

We had food but I forgot to take a picture because we were all hungry waiting for me, When I arrived, we prayed and eat. They had live streaming but I forgot taking picture. Thanks God, I had it during the cutting of the cake. We were only 4 as it was just a surprised celebration given by the nephew of my lady boss. They respect Filipinos celebrating birthday but my boss not giving me birthday gift.
When there is love around , it will make us happy. Thank you for your love to me.
The lovers moon above me watching as I walked to their house . We are just neighbor for 5minutes walk.
Upon my arrival, U limed the wall in the entrance of their house. It's like having a huge stones , a great wall around me.I was emotional as Rhena cried upon my greeting. They are too young like my son, Rena is 42, Joy is 32 and Mari is 35 but look at me , I am still not looking 55 years old. Thanks God! Just saying.. I love you with all my heart.
That's all for today and thank you
@tattoodjay #hiveph and
@tattoodjay for your undying support though I am busy but you are always there.
Hive On!