There are so many women who are wasted their life for nothing. Some are just using their life for earning easy money. They used their beauty to reach their goal no matter how it takes. There are serious and spiritual guided who live accordingly. But for me, I am not judgmental, I have no right to judge and I don't want to be judged too. Everyone has its own way of life and we don't know what they had been through.
Me As Granddaughter and Daughter
I am the first born as a daughter and granddaughter. I felt their loved most especially from my grandparents. I knew my mother loved me but she was too young to handle having a child at 16. She was a disciplinarian but I was too young also to received such action.But I loved her so much. Her discipline to me made me a better person as a woman
As A Wife And Young Widow
I got married too young but a responsible wife who worked hard for my family. During our wedding last March 08, 1988, the following g day I worked. Until now I am working. I am an #ofw! I am proud earning abroad , it helps not only my family but also my country economy. I became widow when I was 34 years old.I worked not only for my only son but also for my siblings education. I am the eldest among 6 siblings. Even I became widow too young but never been inlove again. I focused to my family.
As A Grandmother and Mother
I have two granddaughter from my only son. I became a mother when I was 20 years old and became a granmother when I was 45 years old. I am not a perfect mother since I lived away from.him for almost three decade and almost decade to my grandkids. Honestly, I am thirsty for their love . But this all sacrifices are for them.
As a woman, I am so happy that we are being recognized as important factor to our society. Thank you everyone. I can do many things!