It’s Monday: I had one week to try out
tiny habits, nibble on an imprisoned wip, and then write a glorious blogpost about my success. Only that did not happen. Ok, the week happened I did not learn spontaneously to time-travel, but the rest, the rest did not happen. No habits, no dungeon wips, no nothing.
But these kind of weeks exist and one has to cope with them. It was a mix of a lot of headaches days and deadline-text-writing for work. The combination is a disaster: while having headaches I either try to work which results in more headaches or I don’t then I stress out because the work does not get done. Thankfully today I am better and also thankfully I got the texts written (although I have no feedback if they were ok 😱), but there was no room for experimenting with BJ Foggs behavior model. And honestly there also was no room to concentrate on difficult wips which are banned in dark boxes because I stumbled about fit issues, technical problems, missing yarn or so.
The only thing I could do while having too many headaches to concentrate on working was knitting on my top-down raglan cardigan. One of the many wips which I started in the last months instead of finishing something :-D

creative chaos with knitting - a minute later I cleaned everyting as I hate an untidy desk
Last week we discussed in some comments if it’s nicer to make new things or to repeat older designs and I was the one in favor of the tried and trusted patterns. And that’s why. The top-down raglan cardigan is a design I know by heart. I know roughly how it will fit, I know how the construction is done, there is no lace part which needs concentration or tangling threads for colorwork. It’s a lot of plain stockinette with some easy increases.

left photo was my starting point, the right and middle photos I made today
The only taxing part of this cardigan is the ribbing, not because it’s complicated, but because the kind of stitches is harder on my fingers (but I love the finished appearance… for the knitters; row 1: k1, p1 and row 2: knit all stitches). And this easy well-known pattern was all I could do last week. But on the upside, I could do something instead of just having headaches and feeling sad about myself (I may have done this too 😱)

So, this is my meagre needleworkmonday #wip challenge post. Technically speaking I worked on a wip, but in truth it’s not one of the wips I really want to tackle. I guess in
@jonalyn2020 categories it’s sub-level 1.
After taking the photos of my progress on the cardi I searched for the lavender yarn I need for the second sleeve and the buttonband and neckline and: tada 🎉 (beware irony) I fear this cardigan will level up soon, as I only have two balls of yarn left. As always, I did not bought it regularly but got it on eBay and I am not sure if I could get more if I need too. Because of this, the cardigan could transform into a dungeon wip (read more next week :-DDDDDD)
From 1.7.2022 to 31.7.2022 you can buy my
Basquy NFT's on
opensea (not expensive and unique - go fo it 😇) The project is curated by Artespace gallery und you can find all of my
ten artworks here. Buyers get free entry to Venice Biennale 2022.
Thank you
@crosheille for initiating and
@crosheille and
@crosheille for hosting the #needleworkmonday and the community builder team
@crosheille and
@crosheille I am so glad to be part of. If you want to see more beautiful projects with yarn, fabric, and most of all needles, follow
@crosheille Or even better grab your needles and keyboard and join the #needleworkmonday community.
Ohhh, if you don't have a hive account and want to comment then visit my Wordpressblog
Bliss and Blisters and write me there.
Read more about my art und upcoming exhibitions on
neumannsalva or buy some of my digital artworks on
NFT showroom.
Last but not least: if my post coaxed a smile on your face you could support me on