The materials I used were a UV light lamp to dry the nail polish, a nail file to roughen and remove shine, a fake nail or tip for each of my fingers, a guillotine and nail clipper to cut both the natural nail and the fake one, a gel base coat to attach the tips, two colors of nail polish that dries under UV light (red and pink very similar to the natural nail color), and a gel top coat.
I started by preparing the natural nail very well, cutting it somewhat short with the nail clipper, removing dead skin from the cuticle area, filing the nail slightly on top with the nail file to roughen it and ensure good adhesion with the fake nail. Then, I cleaned it with alcohol to remove any grease and leave the nail surface 100% clean.
Next, I also filed each of the fake nails on the inside for good adhesion. I took one of these fake nails and, using a bit of the gel base coat, I attached it to my natural nail, exposing it to the UV light of the lamp while holding it to ensure a good, air-free bond. I did this with all the nails, about 10 seconds for each, and then placed my entire hand under the lamp for 2 full minutes to ensure thorough drying.
Afterward, I applied the first layer of nail polish on each nail, painting the index and little finger nails red and the other three nails pink. I cured them under the lamp for 2 minutes and applied another layer for a more even color. On the ring and middle finger nails, I created a small design - on the ring finger, I painted 4 small hearts on one side, and on the middle finger, I painted a slightly larger heart near the cuticle in the middle of the nail. I dried these designs for another 2 minutes under the lamp. To create these hearts, I used a toothpick and a technique where I made two dots of polish and spread them downwards, connecting them at the tip to form the familiar heart shape.
Finally, I finished with a coat of finish gel, curing it for 4 minutes under the lamp to ensure thorough drying. This gives a glossy finish to the nails and eliminates any imperfections in the design. I left the thumb for last to make it easier, only painting it pink with the finish gel. I repeated the process on the other hand as well, and this is the result:
All photos are my property taken with my Iphone XR, the cover were edited with the befunky website