Today May 10, Mothers Day weekend...and I find out I finally got a lawyer to represent me! OMG, I am so excited. I am finding a tiny bit of hope at this time. My daughter is my world and I will do anything for her in this world, if that means I now need 10g to pay this retainer...I am now reaching out to the world to help us, my family. My daughter deserves to come home, to see her family again, me and her 2 brothers, for 2 years the Childwelfare/MCFD in Creston BC Sue Sarabun, Supervisor, and SW Angela Beddome from Creston Bc have denied me and my other children contact with my daughter who is almost 11. She has been abused in care and we have begged to Police to look into abuse, yet we are ignored. I have not seen her for 2yrs, and although I as well as the MLA have asked and written letters begging, they answer is always NO. they refuse to give us an answer as to why we cannot see her, and keep telling me to take this back to court knowing I didnt have the money for a lawyer.... UNTIL today....I had called over 250 lawyers in the past year, many wont take Childwelfare cases, and many are 4-600/hr!! I thought I had one for 6 months we were talking, until last month when he informed me he is too busy to take my I started looking again....This week I spoke to a lawyer I had back in 2017 and his office is going to continue to help me... I am feeling a tiny bit of hope this special weekend!
So please, if you can help me in anyway, I need to raise $5,000 Im thinking by approx July 2019... I desperately need their help, a qualified lawyer in Supreme Court is much better then me alone...
You can also pay the Lawyer directly and if you contact me I will give you their info
Thank you, my daughter is my world...

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