Are Humans Addicted To Fear?

Fear is ingrained in all of us, It’s a primitive human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. It can be very useful as it alerts us to the presence of danger. Avoiding dangerous situations is what keeps us alive which is why most people would agree that being fearful is a good trait to have.
Fear can also be is a very personalized human emotion. It’s well know that some people intentionally seek out fear-inducing situations such as sky-diving, swimming with sharks and investing in crypto.
We’ve all been given plenty of reasons to be fearful over the past few years, but what if I was to suggest that fear, can also be a drug. A very harmful and addictive drug that has destroyed countless lives. This may sound absurd to some people so I will begin by comparing the effects of a very well know illegal substance to the effects of fear.

Cocaine vs Fear, Can you tell the difference?

Exibit A Exibit B
Release of adrenaline.
Dilated pupils.
Heart palpitations.
Sweaty palms.
Dry mouth.
Shortness of breath
Heightened alertness.
Irrational thoughts.
Bursts of energy.
Feeling of impending doom.
Release of adrenaline.
Dilated pupils.
Heart palpitations.
sweaty palms.
Dry mouth.
Shortness of breath.
Heightened alertness.
Irrational thoughts.
Bursts of energy.

Pointless exercise?
To compare cocaine to fear may seem like a pointless exercise but the title of this post requires me to make that connection.

If fear is a drug, who are the pushers?
Fear is a very powerful weapon that can be used against us, when we are fearful or feel under threat we lose the ability to think rationally. We feel helpless, we start panicking and if the threat feels to big to deal with we look to others for protection.
Governments know this all to well which is why we are bombarded with fear porn to create the illusion that we need them to keep us safe. This goes way back to ancient times when we would all pay a tax to the Sun Guru who had the 'power' to bring the sun back during an eclipse thus saving us all from impending doom. It's the oldest trick in the book.
Mass Formation Psychosis.
During recent times we have been experiencing a tsunami of dread and fear related messages from Governments, mainstream media and social media. This has led to what some call "Mass Formation Psychosis".
Mass formation psychosis is when a huge part of a society focuses its attention to a threat(s), leader(s) or a series of events. Their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be easily led. Sound familiar?
Applied Behavioural Psychology
This is new trick that was played on all of us during the last two years. It was played out by a group of government behavioural psychologists called SPI-B, which is part of SAGE. In their freely available document found on the uk government website.
In this document, you will find such quotes as:
A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.
And this little gem.
The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.
This is real, it happened, and it lead to utter devastation. Governments spent billions on advertising campaigns to instill fear into the masses using this document as a template.
Apparently it was to save lives.
How To Kick The Fear Habit?
So, by now I'm hoping we have established that fear can be a likened to a drug, and it can be addictive. We also know that governments have and will push this drug on us to nudge humanity in the direction they want. Now I would like to suggest a way in which we can all overcome these fears.
  1. TURN OFF THE TV!!!!
  2. TURN OFF THE TV!!!!
  3. TURN OFF THE TV!!!!
If the threat is not in front of your eyes then it does not effect you, therefore it doesn't exist. Being fearful of something that might happen in the future is the biggest waste of imagination ever know to man/woman.
That's it..........It's so simple.
If you got anything from this post or would like to add your perspective then please let me know in the comment section. I will also be writing a post about the "POWER OF NOW" by Eckart Tolle and how this book helped me live in the moment. How to stop being depressed about the past and fearful of the future.
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