What Means Financial and Intellectual Freedom for You?

“Intellectual freedom depends upon material things. Poetry depends upon intellectual freedom" - Virgina Woolf
Oh dear! I had to learn today that one small mistake can cost you way too much! Stablecoins are not so stable anymore......🤑
BTW....Luna oh Luna! How could You be so cruel!? Terra/UST News
This current cryptocrash forced me to reflect once again on a very important topic, cruising on my mind since the start of a new era "The After Pandemic" and another hurtful "Bear Attack".
The Freedom without worries over liquidity in my safety pool of my hard earned assets was smashed big time once again!

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Lots of emotions Today. I felt like crying but I did NOT! I swallowed my tears instead. It's just "Money" Damnit! I nearly lost my life as I wrote in my previous post Write everyday! Write boldly!
I told myself : Just chill and NO Panic!
Robert Kiyosaki, The Author of the well known book "Rich Dad - Poor Dad" says : "Financial freedom is mental, emotional, and education process."
Thanks to my dear friend @heryanna who turned me on to this book!
My Income from Tourismn and Entertainment was on a massive stand-still from one day to the other and I felt helpless, overwhelmed and paralyzed. The struggle to survive those past 2 years was intense!
Crypto saved my Bootie big time!
I never had to work for anybody else before, always had my own projects, more and less successful but I had no other choice, had to take a job as a real estate agent, selling flats in Vienna. I can't complain because I did well, learning something totally new for me but did I enjoy? Not really! I need to be passionate about my work. Otherwise I get bored. Selling flats was too dry for me.
Some of my friends reminded me many times during the really hard Pandemic times that I was always an artist of "living life", conquering the Ups and Downs in the best ways possible.
True that!
I never give up and will always find new ways to get moving ahead but my financial situation challenged my daily dose of happiness I was used to. Those simple pleasures and things you enjoy to do without worries of being broke. A stable and comfortable lifestyle, traveling to explore new cultures, meeting new people, eating out, dancing away on exciting music festivals, laughing and showing your smiling face without those damn masks.
So! What we do to get ourselves out of a big dark hole?
How do we achieve our financial freedom again?
Robert Kyosaki advices very wisely:
"Find your reasons why you want to be free and wealthy."
If financial freedom is having the money to do what you want when you want it freedom should be having the time to do what you want when you want to.
That is my definition of financial freedom and freedom, and for both of them how one define it is personal. Financial freedom for one person can be completely different from another person but what it has in common is the process of reaching it. It’s not about winning a lottery or getting famous and earn huge amounts of money. Source
For me it's not so much about financials but more about my freedom, especially of fear what the future holds when you get older, more vulnerable, even helpless, more tired and dealing with healthissues.
I know exactly what I need and want: Having your mind and heart free of any worries.
I never believed that having a lot of money should be a goal at all.
It's mostly about the path we move on and how we walk it.
Katherine Whitehorn, a British journalist born in 1928, once said this quote. Understanding how to manage money is based on respecting money. When money is limited you not only have to manage it but you also learn to respect it.
Nobody taught me!
I have to admit that I never respected those coins and pieces of paper that much because I witnessed too many fights in my family about It.
Love or hate? Oh well....As a typical teenager rebel-heart I just chose to hate it until I realized that financial independence gives you more choices to have a more comfortable life. I either had enough or if not, I was just used to the struggle and hustle to get it, only to spend it again.
Collecting my first crypto through writing changed hate to love for those numbers in my wallets.
Obviously I never had a good relationship with money but that seems to be an overall issue with me anyways.
Men and money! 😝
I am still doing babysteps of learning uncountable lessons on and on to understand a healthy relationship with Both.
"You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you."- Dave Ramsey
Being wealthy for me means to be rich on your experiences, your adventures, your memories nobody can take away from You. I do feel so rich indeed but if I look at my lost assets of today and the overall value of my left overs, "properties" I have to admit that Something has to change once again. Bank accounts need to be closed and focus on studying the crypto universe more than ever is back on! I taught myself so much since 2016, when I started writing on the blockchain but not enough to avoid stupid mistakes with trading. It's my mission to study again.
"To achieve what one percent of the world's population has (Financial Freedom), you must be willing to do what only one percent dares to do. Hard work and perseverance of highest order." - Manoj Arora
Elevate Your Life

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It took a lifetime to understand that Robert Kiyosaki quote
"The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left."
The moment You find financial independence you will not depend on anybody else to survive and how to cover your expanses. It's our own responsibility to take care of fulfilling our wishes and dreams.
Intellectual Freedom!
I remember the theme of the famous book A Room of One's Own by Virgina Woolf
Woolf argues that a woman needs financial freedom so as to be able to control her own space and life—to be unhindered by interruptions and sacrifices—in order to gain intellectual freedom and therefore be able to write.
curating with @massivevibration
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