Alcohol is certainly an interesting substance, considering how it affects certain people and makes them behave in a crazy way. Over the years, I have noticed that everyone has different reactions to alcohol. For some people, it makes them completely helpless and unable to even speak properly. Then we have those that start behaving crazy and start dancing around with so much energy. On the other hand, we have the ones that completely become maniacs and start acting violently. For me, I become very bold and overconfident when I'm drunk and I feel like I can talk to anybody in the world 😅.
Now I have never been heavily drunk all those times I'm in my overconfident zone but something eventually happened one day that made me vow to stay away from alcohol. My roommate celebrated his birthday that day, had a small party and of course, there was alcohol. A bottle of McDowell was remaining after the party (I guess everyone was scared of taking it), so my roommate and I decided to drink it. I was playing a game on my phone in bed while my roommate kept filling my cup and I just kept drinking away.
To cut the story short, I drank half of the bottle, and then I tried to get up to use the toilet that was when I realized there was something wrong. Well, I blacked out multiple times and had to sleep close to the bathroom door because I kept waking up to throw up and then black out again 😂 it was a horrible experience and my neighbours gathered in my room, and some of them filmed the whole thing, which I watched the next morning while dealing with a serious hangover from hell. Well, at least I didn't bite someone and start chasing people all over the place, which is something my cousin did many years ago 😅

As I said earlier, everyone reacts differently to alcohol and my cousin belongs to the crazy group. Many years ago, I was in my hometown during the Christmas holiday and we both went out on Boxing Day to a place that has lots of masquerades. It's a usual practice in my hometown as well as several other places in the eastern part of Nigeria to have masquerades carnival on Boxing Day and my cousin happened to know a couple of masquerades, so we both followed one of these masquerades as escorts, helping them to hold their canes.
Anyway, it was evening and the activities had ended. Everyone started going home and my cousin and I were still holding some of those canes because we lost sight of the masquerade we followed when we got to the carnival ground (they all looked alike anyway 😅), so we planned on taking the canes to his house. It wouldn't have been much of a problem to do that except that idiot (my cousin) was drunk after taking 2 cans of black bullet and he started chasing everyone he comes across on the road, with those canes, and the canes I'm talking about are HUGE!
Anybody who sees those canes knows it's only used by masquerades, and since it's dark, everyone runs when they sight someone running at them at high speed with a huge cane held over their head without waiting to see if he is wearing a masquerade's costume or not. At first, it was funny seeing people running from him and he was just laughing like a maniac but I started to get worried that he would start chasing me too, so I kept my distance. We finally got home and did he run out of energy? Nope, he kept on acting crazy and his elder brother tried to hold him down but he bit him on his arm and ran away.

We didn't know which of our relative's houses he spent the night at but luckily we didn't see him again until the next morning when he came back home looking like someone that was beaten by an angry mob. It's funny how that incident happened years before my humiliating experience and I didn't learn from that! Anyway, I guess I just had to experience what it feels like to be heavily drunk before I could learn how crazy and dangerous alcohol really is. As for my cousin, he definitely learned his lesson as I have never seen him go near strong alcohol again, although he occasionally takes beers.
Thanks for reading
Connect with me on:Twitter: @kushyzeenaReadcash: @kushyzee