Hola amigos de esta preciosa comunidad,espero y all谩n disfrutado su fin de semana,en esta publicaci贸n quiero contarles sobre un curso que nos dieron a todo el personal del bodeg贸n donde trabajo,el curso trataba sobre 鈥淪ervicio en mesa" nos explicaron t茅cnicas de como prestar un mejor servicio en mesa, como tratar a los clientes,el lenguaje adecuado que debemos usar para referirnos a ellos,entre otras cositas.
Fue entretenido el curso la verdad,me gust贸 mucho ya que tambi茅n hicimos una din谩mica la cual consistia en crear nosotros un plato y una bebida con material de provecho,colores,cart贸n,papeles de colores,revistas,etc.
Mientras unos hacian el plato,osea dibujaban y recortaban de las revistas otros creaban la bebida..ame esto porque todos trabajamos en equipo y estuvimos creando y haciendo todo juntos, despu茅s de crear el plato y la bebida tuvimos que explicar como se llamaba y cuales eran sus ingredientes,yo no recuerdo el nombre del plato..solo que era Salmone (Salmon) a la no se que jajaja...el nombre era gracioso
Gracias por leerme 馃馃徎
Hello friends of this beautiful community, I hope you enjoyed your weekend, in this publication I want to tell you about a course that was given to all the staff of the bodeg贸n where I work, the course was about "Table service" they explained techniques on how to provide better service at the table, how to treat customers, the proper language we should use to refer to them, among other things.
The course was really entertaining, I liked it a lot because we also did a dynamic which consisted of creating a dish and a drink with useful materials, colors, cardboard, colored paper, magazines, etc..
While some of us made the plate, i.e. drew and cut out the magazines, others created the drink...I loved this because we all worked as a team and we were creating and doing everything together, after creating the plate and the drink we had to explain what it was called and what were its ingredients, I do not remember the name of the dish..only that it was Salmone (Salmon) a la I don't know what hahaha...the name was funny.
Thanks for reading me 馃馃徎