Hello, a warm and friendly greeting to all the readers who read my post today. I hope you are all doing well, that you have a great day and that you are in the mood and hungry to improve every day in this beautiful discipline, such as calisthenics and street workout. Without further ado, today I will show you a photo and a story of my plank training today, where I was very hard, since yesterday I pushed myself a lot in the metropolitan park, since I did a lot of planks and today in training yesterday took its toll on me, but even so, tired, you have to train and give it your all, so without further ado, I will tell you about my training today.
Llegué al dorado club a las 7:30 de la noche, calenté muy bien mis muñecas y hombros y una vez lo hice, realicé un press de rana y me costó demasiado, así que sabía que hoy sería un día duro, pero aun así, en el segundo ejercicio, ejecuté una straddle planche + flexiones de Lean y la straddle estuvo muy caseta, pero todo suma, así que seguí. Como me sentí agotado, pasé a básicos, donde hice flex de pino + pikas + fondos en paralelas y con eso terminé el entrenamiento de hoy. Esta noche no me frustré ni nada porque sé que todo es parte del proceso; ya he pasado por esto antes, así que confío en que pronto mejoraré. Lo importante es entrenar, así sean días malos. Bueno, chicos. Gracias por su atención. Espero que les haya gustado mi publicación. Un saludo a Hive y a la comunidad de #swc. Nos vemos en la próxima publicación. Cuídense.
I arrived at the golden club at 7:30pm, warmed up my wrists and shoulders really well and once I did, I did a frog press and it was too hard for me, so I knew today would be a tough day, but still, on the second exercise, I did a straddle planche + lean push-ups and the straddle was really tough, but it all adds up so I kept going. Since I felt exhausted, I moved on to basics, where I did handstand push-ups + pikas + parallel dips and that was the end of today’s workout. I didn’t get frustrated or anything tonight because I know it’s all part of the process; I’ve been through this before, so I’m confident that I’ll get better soon. The important thing is to train, even if it’s bad days. Okay, guys. Thanks for your attention. I hope you liked my post. Greetings to Hive and the #swc community. See you in the next post. Take care.
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