The criminal could not escape, he died from his intelligence __!!
Hazrat Iyas bin Muawiyah (RA) was a great judge of Basra. He gained knowledge from the companions and great followers. He was very intelligent and insightful. Examples of his intelligence and understanding were given.
Since he was a great judge, people would come to him to decide their cases and disputes.
Once, two people came to him in court with a case. One of them claimed that he had given money to his companion as a trust, but now he is refusing to give it.
Judge Iyas (RA) asked the other companion, did this companion of yours let you keep the money as a trust? He said, "I did not take the money at all. He is lying and defaming me. If he has any evidence, then let him present it. Otherwise, I am ready to swear that I am innocent. This is a complete accusation against me."
Allah Almighty had given Qazi Iyas (RA) great understanding. He realized that he wanted to usurp his companion's property through false oaths. So he asked the claimant, "Where did you give him your property as a trust?" He said, "There is a neighborhood some distance from here, where I gave it." Qazi Iyas (RA) asked, "Is there any sign where you gave him this trust?" He said, "Yes! There is a big tree there. We sat under its shade and first ate and then I entrusted my property to it." Qazi Iyas (RA) said, "You go there now. Perhaps you will remember where you had kept your property and to whom you had given it. After examining the place, come straight to me and tell me what you remembered." The man left for that place. Qazi Iyas (RA) said to the person who refused the money:
You sit with me until your companion returns. He sat there silently. Qazi Iyas (RA) became busy in handling other cases. But Qazi Sahib, while listening to other people's cases, kept secretly looking at this person and in this way he wanted to know the expressions on his face. When he saw that this person was sitting completely relaxed and calm, with no fear or anxiety on his face, Qazi Sahib, while listening to other cases, suddenly turned to this person and asked, "Do you think he has reached the place where he entrusted the money to you?" He replied carelessly: "No! That place is quite far from here. He must be on his way now." Qazi Sahib became angry and said: "O enemy of Allah! On the one hand, you deny taking the money and on the other hand, you admit to the place where you took the money. By Allah, you are a traitor, a liar and a dishonest person." Seeing this sudden attack, he started trembling with fear and confessed his crime and returned the trust.
The intelligence and understanding that Allah Almighty has given you is also a great blessing from Allah Almighty. The value of this blessing is that you use it in the right place.