Hello π fellow Pizzaπππ Lovers,
I plan to write the Pizza posts monthly but since will be away on vacation for next couple of weeks, wanted to giveaway the prizes from last post.
In future I will see what will be the best way to do these giveaways, either I will directly do it in π
PIZZA Discordπ Official giveaways or may be have short separate posts just for giveaways but that's to think after Vacation π

πWinners of Giveaway #23 π
As mentioned in rules winners please acknowledge your winnings by posting a comment below or by contacting me on Discord or Twitter within next 48 hours.
Will also appreciate if winners and participation can spread the word of these giveaways and their winnings on their social network, discord, etc.
There are tons of giveaways happening on π
PIZZA Discordπ too, so hop on their and check it out.
Self Promotion
Follow me on
Twitter or
here ![][PizzaDivider]
> **Notices:**
> * Images/logos used in this post used are from hivepizza or screenshots or images created by me based on assets from hivepizza assets on website or discord
> * The content in here should not be taken as financial advice, please do your own diligence before investing