A Day In My Life: "Pineapple Picking and Planting and Cooking Some Delicious Food For My Partners Speciall Day"

Greetings everyone, its been quite few days since I did created any post here in our Community because of busy situations. Yesterday, I was having a lot of fun and enjoyable time picking those ripe pineapple fruits near at the mountain. It was lucky for us here because we have lots of pineapple plants and it will expected to have pineapple fruits. This is not a Hawaiian pineapples but it is very sweet, juicy and nutritious. Last day, I decided to check those pineapple plants near at the mountain but the fruits was still green and not ready to harvest, so I decided to come back by next day.
Yesterday morning at exactly 7 AM, a time perfect for walking and exploring the place because it was cold, I came back at the place and look for any ripe and ready to harvest pineapple fruits. Luckily I've found few of it. I started to picked and cut using a sharp knife and hurriedly back home. I placed in this clean baking pan so that it will become more attractive. I was planning to sell those pineapple fruits but my mother was not agreed about my plan, instead I will make this as our dessert. I cleaned the fruits thoroughly with clean water so that the tiny insects will be removed and wash out. There are lots of tiny insects and appids sticking on the fruits so it must be clean and washed.
There was still one pineapple fruits that cannot yet be harvested so I leaved and check it for another day. There are lots of pineapple plants grows in the place and it was owned by the Native people living in the place many years have past already. Even it is located in the place full of trees, still those plants produces more fruits.
Next, I cut those ring plant and planned to plant back. We have a farm place near at the mountain so my plan is to plant it on the place. Those pineapple fruits I've found was also at our farm place at the mountain and it is perfect in there because of the fertile soil.
First I dug a hole and it was very easy to me to dug because the place contains a sandy-soil means the soil was mixing with sands. I dug a hole at an exact deep and started to plant each and covered with soil gently. I also removed those wild grass at the place so that the pineapple plants will grow healthy and fast.

A Delicious Food For My Partner's Simple Birthday Celebration:

My Partner was very excited to celebrated her Birthday and not knowing that I have a simple surprised for her. The only thing she know was her Birthday have no any foods for her birthday. I already planned it to buy some for her Birthday. I asked my partner to visit my Parents at the Farm but the reason why I'm leaving is to buy some ingredients for the dish I want to cook by evening. After a few hours at the market, I brought those ingredients at the Farm the place I want to cook and celebrate my Partner's birthday.
Exactly 5 in the afternoon when My Family was arrived at our farm place and my partner was very surprised and happy about her favorite foods I brought. First, is the Lumpia Shanghai, she loves to eat this and one of her favorite so I decided to brought a packed of lumpia and fried.
I also brought 2 Kilos of meat and cook a few dishes just like Calderita and Adobo dish. I cooked all of this dish and learned this from my Father who teach me how to cook this dish. It takes a few hours of cooking activities and after that I prayed for the food and also the birthday celebrant and begun to eat. It was an enjoyable and fun moments I have in my Life.
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