👀 #GooglyEyes Re-Visited ↩ī¸ Otto's still on Edge - Things With Eyes Vol.55


Otto is always on Edge.

That's his life now, at the bottom of the googly food-chain.
Otto used to live peacefully, dreaming dreams of being free.
But now he's trying to scurry away from monstrous predators.
Predators like this guy here, Oswald Ottotarian.
Knowing what we know today: That name makes sense.
Otto has been trying to hide away as good as he can.
He was almost invisible when he closed his eyes.
But there he is!
Can you see him now?
Not just another brick in the wall.
It's Otto on the Edge, a fish out of the water.


I originally introduced Otto to all of you on this blockchain, back in March 2018, he was the 55th entry in my "Things With Eyes" series.
He's been living peacefully on his little edge, dreaming of freedom throughout the seasons, staring into the sun until his eyes had turned all yellow from prolongued UV exposure. And then one day... he suddenly closed his eyes.
It took me a while to realize that he was just trying to hide away and camouflage himself. He wasn't alone anymore on that edge.
And so, I introduced you to Oswald last week. A part of that introduction was one of my usual engagement challenges: I asked all of you to find some food for Oswald. I actually wanted you to find Otto, whom I had also given a new pair of eyes for the occasion.
It was @bucipuci, with his curious and well trained googly eyes, who immediately spotted Otto hiding in that one image in Oswald's post.
Then came @saboin, @saboin and eventually @saboin They all found plenty more fish-bricks that I hadn't even noticed before myself, and they all received 1 SBI as their finders' fee.
But nobody bothered to go all the way down the rabbit hole, I assume nobody even saw the clue that was there, left in order to help retrieve a close up image from Otto's original post. And nobody guessed Otto's real name either, although that should have been somewhat easy to do from Oswald's surname. Well, now you know!
Brick walls are a really good canvas for #GooglyEyes and there have been plenty of brick-faces posted to steem already. So, today I'd like you to find out what the first one of them was named. Of course, there will also be an SBI bounty for the correct answer and other legitimate theories.
So then, I'll leave you with a side-by-side comparison of Otto, his original appearance next to his new eyes.

Otto still on Edge, today

Since bricks don't usually grow in size, in order to still adhere to the "baby schema", his eyes obviously had to shrink with ageing. I'll have to admit, though, he was much more adorable when he was young and living his dreams, not aged and instilled with fear about the harsh reality of life... but I digress.
there was only one attempt to find the 1st brick-face on steem. see here


Leave your #GooglyEyes behind!

This "Re-Visited" post is part of a series in which I want to encourage fellow #GooglyEyes enthusiasts and #GooglyPrize participants to use these wiggly eyes as a tool to a make our public environment a better, a more enjoyable, a more googly place, permanently ... or at least for a little longer than what it takes to shoot a picture.
All types of creative googly expressionism are awesome and all are more than welcome in the contest, but my heart beats especially for the idea of unleashing our googly friends somewhere in the real world, where they might bring a smile to a random stranger with curious eyes, too!

everything stays better with #GooglyEyes

@fraenk loves you!
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