Sales, Branding, Marketing plan - Happy Customer Supermarket 1 week later

Its been an amazing 7 days of launching a project rightly called the blockchain supermarket by some friends. Looking back at our short time of existence, the promises are huge and a bright future stares us in the face. This cannot be possible if not for am amazing community of friends that kept us going from day 1. Taking a look at the stats below, one can only stay positivley optimistic of what Happy Customer Supermarket will achieve soonest!!!!

Interesting 7-day stats

Numbers matter for every new project and we have accumulated quite some in just 7 days of existence.. Take a look:
The above makes for some encouraging reading, given that we have not made any promotion or marketing moves outside our ShoKiN team. The last 7 days has been spent trying to learn the supermarket trade in live mode - mastering prices, customer choice brands, sticking prices on items, etc. Branding and fine tuning our marketing plan are the other aspects that have taken us 1 week to do. More on that shortly.
We are staying very upbeat about this project and we hope that the next few days, weeks and months will open up huge opportunities for people to turn shopping into a huge life-changing opportunity to step into the world of Web3.

Launched with so much energy and enthusiasm

One week ago when we announced the grand opening of Happy Customer Supermarket, the friends did not let us down. Our ShoKiN team made sure it was a full house. For this we are super grateful. It was especially impressive to see the Uyo team ably lead by @ijelady. They travelled down to Aba just to grace the occasion. This is how networking looks in web3 and now we are a strong community.
The launching day saw the unveiling of the Supermarket, speeches about the Web3 opportunity from SpendHBD were made by ijelady and me. And the friends ofcourse were out first customers. They shopped a lot and made sure we have the high numbers posted above. It would be nice to share some images from the occasion with below.

Branding is important

For every project, the colors and other identity should be clearly built from day 1. Together with the team, we have been working on branding our supermarket. This will make it easy to build an identity we should be proud of.
I have already designed our logo which we have used in some prints like our banner. But this week, we were able to print a branded Tshirt which would be worn by our team. Any time someone walks into the supermarket, the Tshirts should send a message to them - that of identity and purpose. Below, you can see images and a video of the T-shirt.
I also printed 300 pieces of branded shopping bags as you can see below:
This is just the beginning of our branding. We have other plans for branding that we will provide more details of in time to come.

Marketing Plan

A very important aspect is how we hope to create awareness for the new project. I already had plans from day 1 which we will soon start implementing. The main goal of Happy Customer Supermarket is to create a conducive environment to onboard newbies on their first shopping trip. And to do that effectively, we aim to meet groups of users and make presentations.
One of our marketing plan is to engage with students of Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu Polytechnic. We will arrange to meet various departments and introduce the spendHBD opportunity to them. We will invite them to sit in on our workshops. We hope to do 2 workshops per week. Each workshop is still open to the public that may wish to attend.
We will also try to meet other people wherever they could be found in groups like teachers, social clubs, trade unions, sports fans and other groups. We go there to introduce the SpendHBD opportunity and invite them for a workshop.
We also plan to have marketers that will work on commission basis. They are to be rewarded in HBD based on new people invited. These marketers are free to work in their own time and schedule, but results would form the basis for reward.
There will also be a social media marketing plan where we try to reach people through sponsored ads on select platforms. These and other marketing efforts are hoped to assist us in creating the form of awareness needed to attract users to the new business.
Finally, listing other businesses is another important way to promote this supermarket. Those other businesses already have customers. So I will continue to onboard other businesses and introduce their customers to Happy Customer supermarket where they can shop for groceries.

Shop on demand

This is a feature that I promised to include in our activities. As a new business with limited funding, we do not have all the money to stock everything customers want. So please, feel free to use the comment section and tell us a product or brand tou want us to stock ahead of your next shopping trip. We will get the products for you and others. That would be a way to stay in touch with you our customers.
Kindly include a picture of the items you want us to stock, including its name. We cant want to read your comments. Thanks in advance.


We appreciate everyone that has been with us in this journey so far. This project is born from Web3 whose main foundation is the community. Thanks you friends for your support and we hope to see you soon!!!!
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