Might And Magic III | Unfinished Business And Across The Sea

I feel like I'm at a decent mid-game level for the game. Some of the areas I more than likely should have cleared by now are just cakewalks. Still, there was a bit of loot to get my hands on so I went after it.
I ended up returning to quite a few dungeons I had unfinished. One of them was the Slithercult Stronghold. There was this nasty-looking boss. Between it and some chests, I easily cleared 30k gold in a matter of minutes.
This also highlights the biggest issue of not finishing off dungeons as I was kind of pushing what I should have been doing. It now would take me longer to run back to them and reach the end. Just to two hit a boss. At least there was a decent chunk of experience and loot waiting at the dark end of many dungeons.
After a few of what felt like hits and runs. It was time to check out Wildabar Cavern. This ended up just being another easy place for me to steamroll over. The place has quite a few of these phase-head-looking things that are floating around. Along with some orgs and a nasty witch as an end boss.
This place has quite a lot of creatures behind bars just waiting to attack me. While I could have just walked down each of the hallways in this dungeon. Pulled a lever. Then cleared backward. At this point in the game, I had more than enough strength to just bash down the gates and take everything out. Saving myself sometimes needing to backtrack to clear the creatures that would have been released by pulling the levers.
It kind of felt like I repeated this process almost a dozen times. It seems like each dungeon has its little gimmick if you could even call it that. This was this dungeon. At the very least I did not need to rest as much for the group to recover from the fights.
You can see from this map here. For all the little side tunnels I had to break down a door and kill whatever was lurking behind it. It sure made this dungeon feel longer to run than it was.
Down here I also ran into another brother this time Delta. I’m not sure how many more of these individuals I have to keep running into. I seem to be nowhere closer to whatever island I'm supposed to be looking for some object on. If anything, it’s starting to feel like they are pulling a prank on me. While I tried to free him, he was just happy being left in this dungeon to rot after a rather short conversation with me.
The loot was decent down here. Perhaps the biggest reason to run this dungeon was finding a bunch of barrels that offered different bonuses like personality, endurance, intelligence, and accuracy. It reminded me a bit of Might and Magic IV in a way. This means such things came perhaps from this game in the series of Might and Magic.
With so much unfinished business done. It felt like on this side of the ocean I was starting to become rather limited in what I had left to do. I decided to take a risk and pay for a boat ride far across the land. I hope these new lands will give me quite the challenge.
These new lands downright looked nightmarish. I was somewhat expecting to have to fight demands on islands or something. It turns out it was not that bad. It looked far worse than it was.
The boat ended up showing me quite a few different shorelines on its way to the next town of Swamp. I know not quite a decent time for a town. It was and you might find this shocking in the middle of a swamp.
The town itself even required me to break down walls for each of the different services I've come to expect in a town. I suppose this is a way of keeping out those who lack the strength to get through those walls and denying them access to the trainer, blacksmith, and many other things.
I took a couple of steps outside of the town. It looked so disturbing out there that I ended up going back into the town. It was not that the creatures out there were so challenging. The game just really made me feel like I was asking for a whole lot of trouble.
So, I decided to test the waters in this new area by at least running the caverns below Swamp town. I had a feeling if things went down there, I'd have less to fear about venturing outside of the town. If, however, things went quite bad it would be time to leave.
I in part did not venture out to Swamp town as I had no way to get back without it being a pain. I only made the trip now as I could not beacon back to a saved location I had in one of the towns on the other side of the sea.
This place was filled with some utter nasty things. It seems like this creature was kind of expecting some kind of date. I declined and set her ablaze. She was also the least of my troubles.
While almost speed running this place. I could take everything out with a couple of hits if I wanted to burn some mana. I ended up looting some decent items. I equipped the items and went to take a look at one of my character's stats.
That is when I realized instead of being listed in his 20s for age. He was now in his mid-40s. It turns out one of the creatures in here ages characters when it hits it. For those who have never played Might and Magic before. Age is one of those things that can be a real death of a character. Not the kind you can just pay to bring them back from.
There also tends to be some kind of way to reduce or turn back time and bring a character back to their normal age. I however don’t have a clue how to do so. As a result, I felt I had overstayed my time in this cavern under the town for the time being.
At least I managed to clear about half of it. It however looked like I’d be facing a possible creature that was causing the aging to move forward. I’d also have to do it in a way where I could not get the jump on them and attempt to take them out before they could get some hits on my group.

Final Thoughts

Once I work out how to reverse certain kinds of unnatural aging. I’ll more than likely feel like finishing off this place. For the time being, however, the risks just did not feel worth it.
At the very least I'm now on the other side of the map. I have quite a few different zones to check out and new troubles to find. Including new ways of getting my group killed. What fun lies ahead for them?


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Might And Magic III.
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