| Content: Game reviews, guides, stories and news | Time traveling cat |
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I ended up encountering some strange things while further exploring the surface of the alien planet. I also managed to get some side missions done without having to go out of my way. While there was quite a lot of combat it’s still been quite fun.
It was time to raid some castles and get some phat loot for my efforts. While I did have some other reasons for being there other than robbing kings blind. I was not about to just give them what they wanted at a price they set.
Next, I'd be heading into the Red Sands region where I'd hit the level of 50. I would also start to work on maxing out all the standard gear that I have. Along with having to deal with the toughest monolith encounter I've had so far.
On the Map, there is E1 to E4. With the Swamp town being in the middle of the E’s. I decided to just go for the next. I ended up cleaning them out a lot quicker than I was expecting. The loot was amazing. Since I decided to do a general grid pattern search it was just easy to stick with these for exploring the new areas. While it was tempting to just do one giant pass up or down of the E zones. I decided that kind of takes the fun out of exploring what each little area has to offer.
I found myself in need of some agility levels. While I was working on that I decided to break up the grind a bit by also working on some easy diary achievements for the two regions I was in. Falador Rooftop CourseI needed to gain some agility levels so I thought I'd give Falador rooftop a try. I no longer need marks for anything since I don’t care about farming an insane amount of them just to color my Graceful outfit. So, I was just looking for a place that was not overly complex with some agility experience per hour.
I’ve been putting off advancing the storyline for far too long. I kind of knew once I started it things would start moving quickly. I’d also discover many timed quests were coming ahead for me to deal with. I ended up heading back into the forest region and speaking with my leader about a meeting between a few of the different tribes. She told me things felt off and she was expecting something bad to happen.