| Content: Game reviews, guides, stories and news | Time traveling cat |
Messier 64
Somewhere in the middle of the map is a bunch of land mass I seem to be missing out on. It became rather apparent when I was checking out regions I had already been in such as A, B, E, and F. It made me wonder what happened to the C and D regions?
For an extremely long time, this is one of those games I've wanted to check out but have no intention of beating. It has a massive world filled with dungeons and land mass that it takes forever to not use the faster traveling options. Yet as expected I found it kind of empty.
The deadly three as far as I see it these creatures. I ended up having quite a terrible run-in with each of them. With a few of my party members not making it out alive requiring the cleric to revive them as well. While being on the hunt for some new dungeons to run. I headed back up to F4. I had stopped exploring that area as some of the hidden treasures in the land had some rather nasty fights. I was seeking revenge and I'd be getting it.
Never did I expect in a game like this to be building a city and managing resources. It is a bit basic but it is adding something a little different. I was kind of hoping it was a bit more rewarding but it is at least interesting.
Rainbow Springs had a couple of trails I wanted to check out. It also looks like a fun little place to be during the summer to go swimming in the springs and summer. I however was just looking for some trails to check out.
This one is a bit of an odd one between doing some experience farming in the arena and clearing out the last of the town dungeons. Not any theme between these activities. These ended up being in the order I did them. The arena in Might and Magic III ended up being something I wish I had done sooner. I’m not exactly sure when would have been the best time. Perhaps a little at the time. The issue was I had no idea about it or I had missed some mention of it until I entered into one of the pyramids.