Might And Magic III | Raiding Castles

It was time to raid some castles and get some phat loot for my efforts. While I did have some other reasons for being there other than robbing kings blind. I was not about to just give them what they wanted at a price they set.
For a while now my inventory has just been getting filled with three different kinds of orbs. These orbs I could turn into three different castles. The “good” castle I wanted to hold off until my characters were declared to be “good” for a nice five times experience bonus for turning in the orbs. The other castles were however free game as far as I cared.
I first ended up going to Castle Dragontooth. Each one of the first three castles that I'm aware of has some massive treasure sitting in chests in the main throne room. There are also some smaller chests around the castle to loot as well.
The issue is the higher rewarding ones require entering the right password to unlock them. Once you do so an alarm also triggers and some quite powerful creatures show up and can murder you if you try and go for these chests too early in the game.
Clues to what the password is can be found in each of the castle's dungeons. Before heading off into those. I thought I might as well clear out the smaller chests. When the smaller chests are looted, they also set off an alarm for castle guards to show up.
While not as rewarding. The guards themselves at my stage are easy to take out. I almost don’t mind picking up an extra 50k to 100k gold here or there. This is however small time compared to what is inside the big chests.
Once I was done with that it was time to go into the dungeon. Castle Whiteshield was one of the first castles I had cleared. It only felt right to head off and run that dungeon first. It would also give me a bit of an idea of what to expect from the remaining dungeons. I'd expect those to be even harder.
This one was rather strange. There ended up being a number of these giant chalice-looking cups. Each of them filled me with different exiles that empowered a single character who drank from it. It is a shame I could not share the boost these would grant with the whole party.
The first drink I ended up giving to my cleric. It gave me 5 million experiences. That was almost double the amount of experience he already had. He was one of the less experienced characters I had. I also use him for quite powerful spells. So getting ahead by a few levels just seemed like the clear choice to make.
I would also find drinks that gave ten to all stats. That one was perhaps the hardest to choose from. It would have been one thing if all of the castle dungeons had these kinds of rewards. They however don’t.
There was also another one that gave an increase of twenty to all resistances. I ended up giving that one to my tank. While he was not always the one getting hit creatures tend to focus on certain types of classes depending on what they are. He tends to take quite a beating most of the time.
This place also just had a bunch of easy traps to get over. I could just use jump and bypass them. That ended up being a great way of getting around. This would only become an issue if I had to step into a trap and then break down a door first. Then I could not use jump. There was however another spell I had that allowed me to do other things that ended up working out just as good such as teleporting.
Once I had the place cleared and knew the password. I went back up top and opened the chests. I got a cool five million for my efforts. I then decided to head over to Castle Bloodreign.
This place ended up being quite a little farming grounds for experience. I ended up discovering every time I opened up one of the minor chests it would respawn all the guards in the castle. There was maybe half a dozen or so chests.
So I'd run up to a chest and break it open. This required smashing through a wall since they were all hidden. Then the alarm would trigger. I’d do a full sweep of the castle killing all the guards. Then I'd head over to the next chest and repeat the whole process till I was done with all of them.
Next up it was time to head down to the Bloodreign Dungeons. This place did not take too long to clear out or get the clues. You might notice there are spots on the map that I had gone to. I however did not clear a path to them.
When I first entered into this area. I could see on the map these sections. I also could not find a way to do some of them. Even after dealing with some nasty damage and failing to jump past a couple of traps.
I decided to go looking through all the spells I had. That is when I realized I've not used the spell teleport much. It would allow me to just teleport up to ten tiles from my current one. That is how I got into each of those areas.
Once I had the password I headed back into the castles. It was time to get myself some massive loot. The only trouble is like before each time I opened a chest some nasty creatures would spawn and have a chance of killing me. So, I had to take things one chest at a time and clear out anything that showed up when an alarm went off.
The first chest netted me a cool 2 million gold. These ended up being four chests. Where two had gold and the other two had 5k gems each in them.
As far as the guards I ended up just taking them on slowly. In an ideal situation, I could take them on one at a time. I knew I had an easy target. I’d just burn a lot of mana to quickly take them out. I’d then rest to get my mana back if possible and go looking for more of them. Once all the higher-level guards had been taken care of, I'd open up the next chest and repeat the process.

Final Thoughts

Just visiting each of the three castles ended up clearing up quite a few inventory slots in my bags. Oddly enough I went to Castle Dragontooth first and cleared the smaller chests out. I’d forget over and over again to return to work on the dungeon and loot the bigger chests.


Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about Might And Magic III.