Moka Pot madness

I’ll admit I’m new to Moka Pot coffee and my first couple of brews have been pretty disgusting, drinkable but harsh and bitter, so Hivers I guess it’s time for a bit of research. To get the very best out of my classic 3 cup Bialetti Moka Express. It can’t be hard Italian kids can do it be before the are in kindergarten.
There are very many coffee Experts/fans posting on YouTube. But my go too coffee guru is James Hoffman I have found his YouTube channel both entertaining and informative and he has a lot of insights into brewing a good coffee with a Moka Pot and other methods. It didn’t take long to see where I was going wrong. The big problem seems to be the grind size was too small so the coffee bed in the funnel was to compacted which increases the pressure in the water pot so the coffee brews to hot.
So Hivers what are the tips for brewing a good Moka Pot.
  1. Fill the water pot with boiling water.
  2. Grind size between espresso and filter. About the size of grains of sugar.
  3. Fill the coffee funnel to the top but don’t tamp it down just tap the bottom to settle it.
  4. Use a Aeropress paper filter if you have one.
  5. Don’t put the pot on a high heat and leave the lid up so you can watch the brew.
  6. As soon as coffee starts to appear turn the heat to the lowest setting so it doesn’t flow too quickly.
  7. As soon as it starts to splutter and pass steam through the coffee bed. Run the water pot under a cold tap to stop the brew.
And there you have it Hiver a strong but very drinkable cup of coffee, the perfect way to kickstart a morning.
Guess I’d better go and tidy up all the spilt coffee grounds.
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