Heyah hive-bees and splinterfellas! Good day to everyone of us! THe heat is really on now so we will be experiencing summer breeze. Especially here on an island country like ours. Those Heat index reaching more than 40 degree celcius is cooking it! Sunburn here and there. Sweating like a boar. lol. Anyways, its another Community Engagement time and i have a bit short of time doing it, but you see, I decided to use HIVE blogging platform as much as i can so here it is. We will check the land opportunity here on Splinterlands. What is the possible opportunities and how to engage with it.
Are you Land Familiar?

Have you ever played or engaged with land in splinterlands before? I did! Before, you owned a land, then proceed with card staking to become your workers and will mine for you either grains, sps and research thing. So basically its another form of gameplay in splinterlands that you can possibly gain something back in return if you invested in it. The benefits in playing land on splinterlands is you dont have to stress out in battling in modern ranked, wild ranked etc. Which requires focus with a timer that is a huge burden to the busy guys playing the game. With owning land and card assets, you can mine resources or tokens that can be tradable in other tokens either in game or in hive exchange platforms that can be achieved passively. Yup, this is another good form of token/nft's staking that will let you earn passively without doing too much. I can say it like this because this is what i understand on the current land set up in splinterlands game. Also in playing lands, you should also check the characterisitics of your land before you stake or put something on it.

As you can see in the example above. My land Characteristics is a common plot that got additional 10% production boost when you place either Life, Earth and Water splinters as your workers. You should take note also that if you place either Fire, Death or Dragon splinters, you will be deducted of 50% production cost which is a bad sign to your daily productions. And with this Land 1.75 update that is nearing, we should consider this things.
So What Can We Expect in Land 1.75
Aside from grain, there are other resources that can be minted now such as wood, stone and ores which are divided into 5 types (Iron, Aluminum, Copper, Titanium and Mithril). There are also things needed to be considered such as the location of your Land plot, for example you are located in the swamp or jungle area, then you are much more compatible in wood production.

They have also Liquidity pools that might be implemented later like what we have in in-game at the moment.

- Land for me right now is not yet my priority for playing splinterlands for it is costly and will lock my cards that i am using in battles. You see, Earning in lands is a passive type so it is better to the guys that got money and have little time playing games. But it is a good source of fun since you will have a goal to store resources then build something epic later. For sure land have its spotlight later and surprises. I just hope i am not that late when i can start my Land activities in Splinterlands.
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Thanks for your Time!!!
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