Cine TV Community Spotlight #25

Hello and welcome to the 25TH edition of Cine TV Community Spotlight. The Cine TV Spotlight Series has begun in a bid to boost engagement and interaction in the community and showcase the work of deserving authors.
And it’s all simple. At the end of every week, we spotlight works by authors based on the content, originality, style, and word count. It is not a contest but just our way of creating exposure for the works we enjoyed throughout the week and boosting exceptionally written content by our authors. Simply put, give it your best and have fun while at it, and then we showcase your work here.
So, in no particular order, here are the authors spotlighted for this week:


"Love in Every Word" is a masterclass movie. One that speaks of intentional love, self-respect, confidence and cultural pride. The movie focuses more on two people - Odogwu, who acts with confidence and respect, and Chioma, who showcases strength through grace and self-awareness. Sincerely, if you watch this movie and don't take lessons from it, we need to know what's wrong. Lol. This movie is a masterpiece!


Author: @bipolar95
Title: Conclave
Judgment, they say, will begin in the house of the Lord. This statement is intriguing because why would judgment begin in God's house or the Church, if it's supposed to be a holy place? I have worked in God's temple, and trust me, my faith was tested, so I could really relate to every scene in this movie. I could relate to the doubt in faith of the Lawrence Character and the fears of the Pope before his demise. Now, let me quickly add that this is not a religious witch hunt, and I'm not condemning any religion in any way...


Author: @rafamar
One of Netflix's biggest hits in 2021 was "Lupin," the French series inspired by the famous character created by Maurice Leblanc more than 100 years ago. The series, created by George Kay, dazzled with its first season and fell off somewhat in the second, which was less convincing and solid in its development. With the third, it returns to the rails and manages to reconnect with the audience, who will find many surprises and good cliffhangers at the end of each episode. The development was somewhat expanded, going from five to seven episodes.


Author: @oluwadrey
But then on a positive Note, the movie's cinematography and action choreography have been praised. Overall for me I think "Awareness" is a disappointing sci-fi thriller which fully fails to deliver on its promising premise. With a weak plot, unconvincing narrative, and poor character development, it's a movie that's hard to recommend. Even fans of the genre may find themselves underwhelmed by the film's lack of originality and depth.


Author: @abhay2695
Talking about the movie, it is a good thing that it keeps giving you suspense. From the beginning till the last few minutes, you will feel that all this is a suspense and something big is going to happen ahead. As it happens in the movie Baaghi, some suspense is definitely revealed in the end but there is nothing like that in this movie. The thing that I did not like was that they made the end of the movie quite unexpected and this was such a part that probably every person who is watching this movie would want that something happens in the end so that the whole story changes but the end of this movie was quite normal.


Author: @promete0sz
I am happy to focus this review on this character of power, I do not consider myself a believer of the scriptures or religions but that does not mean that I do not feel fascination for those ancient stories because in my case I see them that way, I observe in those sacred stories ancient narratives like the ones we see in the movies where this character is developed, if we could travel back in time to the past thousands of years ago and tell the story of Xerxes as we saw it in these films, how this Golden King reaches the Throne, I am sure that those ancient people would create a whole religion around him.


Author: @kemmyb
Unlike Five Blind Dates, this movie goes beyond the generic to explore the plot through a mix of English and Indian cultures. I'm not a fan of Indian movies but when I see films that blend cultures, I don't mind watching. It's often entertaining. Also, the plot of this movie is not bad—just okay—but the storytelling falls slightly below expectations. It's marketed as a romcom but we got more of the laughs than the romance. No doubt Simone Ashley is a compelling actress, but I feel her role in this movie didn't do her much justice.


Author: @omokhafue
Finally, I have become free from the shackles of the one they call,"Exams". And what do I do first after that? I slept and after that,I made a mental debrief through all the movies,animes and books in my watchlist and tbr(to be read). I began my give or take three weeks holiday with this movie. You know that feeling when you watch something and you're so mesmerized by the beauty of the film and then you begin to question your whereabouts in the past,where this particular movie had been all your life. That was me two days ago. Fun fact,is I have come across this movie more than twice but I never really got the push or motivation to watch it.

And there you have it! Congratulations to all those spotlighted this week. We look forward to more exceptional content. And to everyone posting in the community, we look forward to seeing more of you!

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