My Actifit Report Card: April 7 2024

Today was a bit annoying..
I woke up a bit late to do some studying but discovered it was almosty skipping time..
So I skipped and then my jump rope got cut and although I tried to tie it back it was difficult to keep up with.
This made me begin to wonder the kind of work out I want to engage myself in.
I think I might choose jogging as nothing can disrupt me from jogging except I decide not to go
After struggling for 30 minutes, I went to prepare for church.
I was able to get some steps on my way to church.
Thereafter, I went to work.
I was looking to board a bike and none was forthcoming and so I used the opportunity to
walk some more and that was how I got this number
I hope you all enjoyed your Sunday?
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Rope Skipping, Walking